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Re: objective-c: how slow ?

From: Erik M. Buck
Subject: Re: objective-c: how slow ?
Date: Fri, 31 Aug 2001 15:00:48 -0500

Objective-C message dispatch is 2-3 times slower than a C function call.
Since not that much time is spent in function calls themselves as opposed to
the bodies of the functions, it seldom has a huge impact.  For message
sending within a loop, the message can be hand optimized into a simple
function call and have exactly the same performance as C.

NeXT used Objective-C for writing kernel level drivers.  There is no real
problem using Objective-C in a performance sensitive embedded system.
However, it would be very difficult if not impossible to prove the
determinism of the Objective-C message dispatch (since it uses hash tables),
so if you need determinism (i.e guaranteed execution time measured in CPU
clock ticks) then you don't want Objective-C.

I personally have never seen Java perform even half as fast as Objective-C.
Every Java program I have used on the desktop suffered from slow buggy
graphics and was prone to occasional halts/freezes presumably while garbage
was collected.  Every Java implementation that I have seen as suffered from
a large memory footprint for the VM and then problems resulting from the
heap size not being large enough (Java heap sizes are limited for security
so that a Java program can not crash a machine by allocating too much
memory: (This is a job of the operating system and not a language, but what
can you do ?)

C++ virtual member functions are a tiny bit faster than Objective-C
messages.  If you use a pointer to a virtual member function (as is common
with call-backs) then the performance is identical in most cases.  Using the
pointer forces the compiler to do an additional pointer dereference similar
to what Objective-C does.  I have had performance problems with C++ not
because of virtual methods but because you have to write more code which
takes longer to execute and is not as likely to be in a cache etc.  When
profiling C++, it is not uncommon to see 40% or more time spent in
destructors and constructors.  This happens because many programmers use
simple assignment which calls copy constructors and function argument
passing by value which causes a new object to be constructed in the stack
and destructed upon return.  Here is a common slow pattern in C++;

/***** Begin example *****/

// swap objects in a collection
MyClass objectA = collection[i];
MyClass objectB = collection[i+1];
collection[i] = objectB;
collection[i+1] = objectA;

/***** End example *****/

Given that the [] operators have probably been overridden, collection[i]
turns into collection.GetObject(i) and collection[i] = objectB turns into
collection.SetObject(i, objectB).

So, how many times is the constructor and destructor for MyClass called per

MyClass objectA = collection[i];  // 3 times: create objectA with default
                                                       // copy object from
collection onto stack for return
                                                       // use copy
constructor for assignment
                                                       // destructor: 2
times original value is lost due to assignment
                                                       // stack value gives
away after assignment
MyClass objectB = collection[i+1];  // 3 times: same as above
                                                      // destructor 2 times
collection[i] = objectB;                // at least 2 times: once onto stack
for function call and agian for
                                                      // assignment
                                                     // destructor at least
collection[i+1] = objectA;            // same as above

Total: at least 10 constructor calls
          at least 8 destructor calls

Each constructor or constructor call has the minimum overhead of a function
Constructors and destructors foo all of MyClass's super classes are also
It is easy to get 20 or 30 function calls out of the code above.

Now, before C++ programmers say the example is not fair because references
should be used rather than pass by value.  First, the code above looks
perfectly reasonable and harmless to an non-C++ high priest.  The same code
might be written in C or Java (except there people would know what the []
and = operators do for sure).
An expert C++ programmer might write MyClass objectA(collection[i]); to
avoid the useless default constructor call.  Second, tell that to the
creators of the CString class in MFC that requires pass by value semantics.

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