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Re: Using unix sockets for NSPort

From: Helge Hess
Subject: Re: Using unix sockets for NSPort
Date: Fri, 04 Oct 2002 15:26:55 +0200
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in case anybody is interested ;-) This was basically the reason why Ovidiu and myself designed and implemented the NGStreams library. It was intended to become the basis of the DO implementation for libFoundation (which I never finished ... sigh).

One idea was, that the DO registry daemon (gdomap ?) could accept various sockets for a DO provider and deliver the most appropriate address to the client. Eg if the client would be on localhost, it would deliver a NGLocalSocketAddress on a naming request.

Helge Hess                         Email:    helge.hess@skyrix.com
SKYRIX Software AG                 Tel:      +49-391-6623-0
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