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Re: How to write a string

From: Fred Kiefer
Subject: Re: How to write a string
Date: Sat, 14 Jun 2003 18:36:48 +0200
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Hi Christopher,

Christopher Culver wrote:
I have a feeling that this will have a painfully obvious answer, but after looking through the API I'm still not sure how to do this.

I have a string, NSString *aString. How do I put this string on the pasteboard? Must I initialise an NSPasteboard and write to it (which Cocoa docs seem to suggest), or can I just pass a message to NSApp? In any event, please let me know the code necessary.

the best answer to such a question is allways to check the sources! In this case it is very simple the object that handles the sending of text to the pasteboard is of course NSTextView (ok NSText should do this just the same, but our implementation now made this an empty super class with all code in NSTextView). This class puts text in the selection pasteboard as soon as it is selected ([copySelection]) and also into the general pasteboard ([copy:]). If you have a NSTextView lying around just let this do the work for you. If not, the method [writeSelectionToPasteboard:types:] shows the way. You first get a pasteboard, than declare the types you want to provide and than fill in the data. In your simple case:

NSPasteboard *pboard = [NSPasteboard generalPasteboard];
NSArray *types = [NSArray arrayWithObject: NSStringPboardType];

[pboard declareTypes: types owner: self];
[pboard setString: string forType: NSStringPboardType];

If you don't have a usable obejct to own the pasteboard data (here self!) than supply the string itself or nil for it.


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