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Re: problems building - faiiling due to autogsdoc

From: Pete French
Subject: Re: problems building - faiiling due to autogsdoc
Date: Thu, 19 Jun 2003 22:52:14 +0100

> On OS's where you can only get the environment from main, we redefine 
> main to gnustep_base_user_main (in GSConfig.h, which should be included 

How is this detected ? Its not doing this under FreeBSD (no define in
GSConfig.h) if I just run configure. If, however, I configure
the system with --disable-procfs --disable-openssl as suggested by
Chris then I do get the define.

Unfortunately, if I dot that, then when it tries to run autgsdoc I get:

/usr/libexec/ld-elf.so.1: ../Tools/obj/autogsdoc: Undefined symbol "main"

BSD does have a procfs filesystem, and the environment is accessible using
**environ, so I dont think this is the right way to do this. On the
other hand the + load method isnt called. So I dont think any of the
actual configuration methods are being called in the object, which would
explain the lack of any arguments.

I havent got around to running gdb yet - still working my way through
the mass of ifdefs in that file...


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