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ANNOUNCE GWorkspace 0.5.3

From: Enrico Sersale
Subject: ANNOUNCE GWorkspace 0.5.3
Date: Tue, 01 Jul 2003 13:35:45 +0300

- all the DraggingSources and the DraggingDestinations now work with the 
propertylist interface of the pastboard.
   - removed the Backgrounder application. New thread-based file operation 

- changed many .gorm files and localized many strings all over the application.
(thanks to Stephane Peron, speron@telys.com for these files).
   - added "Open With" and "Run..." dialogs.
       - in all the AppWrappers: enclosed the reference to $2 with quotes. This 
makes sure that one can open files even if they have spaces in the name.
   - many bugs fixed. For example:
- handled the case of a matrix cell or of an icon representing a broken link. - in ContentViewers, 
for about all the inspectors: in -canDisplayFileAtPath: added a check to be sure that the path 
doesn't represent a directory with a known name extension (for example a directory named 
".rtf") because, in this case, NSWorkspace, if it has an editor for the extension, 
returns "NSPlainFileType", - fixed many display problems in the IconsViewer that appeared 
 2003-02-23 13:30  Alexander Malmberg <alexander@malmberg.org>
          * Source/NSWindow (-update): Don't redisplay the window.
Unfortunally I don't use very much the IconsViewer so I didn't noticed the 

- regarding the contestual menus: they are still here, but you must enable them 
"defaults write GWorkspace UsesContestualMenu YES"

- Info->Preferences->Browser: you can choose if the viewers must use the shelf 
or not. This because I'll add a tabbed shelf;

- Info->Preferences->Browser: now it is possible to have icons in the browser 
cells and dnd capable columns. Attention! This is only an experiment to see if the 
users like this feature. In the next release the Browser Viewer will remain with its 
traditional behaviour and the browser cells icons will be probably used in an other 

- Utilities/Thumbnailer: new subproject. Thumbnailer is a service that, as the 
name says, provides thumbnails. For the moment it has only a bundle for image 

GWorkspace is at:
www.imago.ro/gworkspace (actually broken)

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