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Distributed Objects question...

From: PUYDT Julien
Subject: Distributed Objects question...
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 11:39:08 +0200


I took the client/server example of
and modified it so that the server returns an (NSImage *) (and modified
the client accordingly, of course):
- (NSImage *)getFile: (NSString *)fileName
  NSImage *image;
  image = [NSImage alloc];
  return [image initWithContentsOfFile: fileName];

in my first test, the client just fetched the image and does:
  (void)[file size];
with this I got the following message:
2003-08-26 09:15:08.691 client[3684] File GSFFCallInvocation.m: 853. In
GSInvocationCallback Changed type signature '{_NSSize=ff}8@0:4' to
'{_NSSize=ff}12@4:8' for 'size'

in the second test, I tried to display the NSImage in a window with the
following code (the image is in "file"):
  NSRect frame = {{0,0}, {300, 300}};
  int mode = (NSTitledWindowMask |  NSClosableWindowMask |
           NSMiniaturizableWindowMask | NSResizableWindowMask);
  NSWindow *window = [[NSWindow new] initWithContentRect:frame
                             styleMask: mode
                             backing: NSBackingStoreRetained
                             defer: YES];
  [window setReleasedWhenClosed:YES];
  NSImageView *view = [[NSImageView new] initWithFrame:frame];
  [view setImage: file];
  [window setFrame:frame display:YES];
  [window setMaxSize:frame.size];
  [window setContentView:view];
  [window center];
  [window orderFrontRegardless];
  [window makeKeyWindow];
  [window display];   
this time, I have the warning twice, and then "Uncaught exception
NSPortTimeoutException, reason: invalidated while awaiting reply",
because the server segfaulted...

I made a third test: instead of doing "reader = (id
<FileReader)[NSConnection ...", I did "pointer = [NSConnection ...",
then tried to check if [pointer conformsToProtocol:
@protocol(FileReader)]; this made the server segfault too, and the
client complained (as expected) about the NSPortTimeoutException...

What did I do wrong this time?

Snark on #gnustep

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