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New warnings (hopefully) in gcc 3.4

From: Alexander Malmberg
Subject: New warnings (hopefully) in gcc 3.4
Date: Mon, 01 Sep 2003 01:40:07 +0200


Recently, I've been working on cleaning up gcc's handling of method
prototypes, and how it selects one when sending a message. With a lot of
help from David Ayers, I now have a patched version that behaves the way
we think we want it to.

In addition to our artificial tests, I've tested by compiling GNUstep,
and in order to get some feedback on the new warnings, I've attached
logs of compiling -base and -gui with the new gcc. Since this may end up
affecting all objective-c code (including yours ;-), I'd appreciate
comments on:

* whether the new behavior (ie. actually code generated, not warnings)
is good. The only big difference from the current behavior is in the
case where the receiver is "typed" (ie. not 'id' or 'Class'), and a
method prototype could not be found in the type. Previous versions would
fall back to "no prototype", which means the return value was assumed to
be 'id' and the arguments passed as to a variadic function. The new
behavior is to search globally for a prototype before giving up, just as
for receivers of type 'id' or 'Class'.

* whether the new warnings are good. Some may be seen as a bit pedantic,
but I think they're acceptable (ie. sufficiently helpful to be worth the

* whether the wording of the new warnings is good. In particular, it's
important that the longer warnings about what gcc will do when it finds
no/several prototypes are clear.

In addition, we should clear up the issues indicated by the warnings.
Some are just minor typos or inconsistencies, or may require a cast so
that gcc can know for sure which prototype applies, but some indicate
serious problems.

In particular, the -compare: conflict is serious. NSObject has:

-(NSComparisonResult) compare: (id)o;

, ie. -compare: can be used to compare an object to some other arbitrary
object. -compare: is used that way by the library in some places.
Several other classes have:

-(NSComparisonResult) compare: (NSString/NSDate/NSNumber *)o;

, ie. -compare: can only be used to compare against certain specific

Either the compare:(id) in NSObject, or the non-id compares need to be
changed to id (and their implementations updated). I've attached a test
case that raises an exception due to this issue. Which one should we

- Alexander Malmberg
Making all in Source...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/Source'
Making all in subprojects of library libgnustep-base...
make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/Source/Additions'
Making all for subproject Additions...
 Compiling file GSCategories.m ...
 Compiling file GSObjCRuntime.m ...
GSObjCRuntime.m: In function `GSObjCSetValue':

GSObjCRuntime.m:1168: warning: no interface seen for `NSNull'
GSObjCRuntime.m:1168: warning: receiver of type `NSNull' may not respond to 
 Compiling file GCObject.m ...
 Compiling file GCArray.m ...
 Compiling file GCDictionary.m ...
 Compiling file GSMime.m ...
 Compiling file GSXML.m ...
GSXML.m: In function `-[GSSAXHandler error:]':

GSXML.m:3247: warning: multiple methods named `-error:' found for receiver of 
type `GSSAXHandler'
../../Headers/Additions/GNUstepBase/GSXML.h:236: warning: could be using 
`-(void)error:(NSString *)e'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:274: warning: or `-error:(const char 
*)aString, ...'
GSXML.m: In function `-[GSSAXHandler error:colNumber:lineNumber:]':

GSXML.m:3276: warning: multiple methods named `-error:' found for receiver of 
type `GSSAXHandler'
../../Headers/Additions/GNUstepBase/GSXML.h:236: warning: could be using 
`-(void)error:(NSString *)e'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:274: warning: or `-error:(const char 
*)aString, ...'
GSXML.m:3247: warning: or `-(void)error:(NSString *)e'
GSXML.m:3276: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a receiver type, 
GSXML.m:3276: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but deterministically).)
GSXML.m: In function `-[GSTreeSAXHandler error:]':

GSXML.m:3423: warning: multiple methods named `-error:' found for receiver of 
type `GSTreeSAXHandler'
../../Headers/Additions/GNUstepBase/GSXML.h:236: warning: could be using 
`-(void)error:(NSString *)e'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:274: warning: or `-error:(const char 
*)aString, ...'
GSXML.m: In function `-[GSXPathContext evaluateExpression:]':

GSXML.m:3765: warning: receiver of type `GSXPathObject' may not respond to 
 Compiling file behavior.m ...
 Compiling file Unicode.m ...
 Linking subproject Additions ...
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/Source/Additions'
Making all for library libgnustep-base...
 Compiling file GSCompatibility.m ...
GSCompatibility.m: In function `OAppend':

GSCompatibility.m:696: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' found
../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: could be using 
../Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: or 
`-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
GSCompatibility.m:696: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
GSCompatibility.m:696: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
GSCompatibility.m:696: warning: `...' as arguments.)
GSCompatibility.m: In function `GSPropertyListMake':

GSCompatibility.m:912: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableString'
GSCompatibility.m:912: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableString' may not 
respond to `+new'
GSCompatibility.m:914: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableString'
GSCompatibility.m:914: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableString' may not 
respond to `+class'
 Compiling file GSLocale.m ...
 Compiling file preface.m ...
 Compiling file mframe.m ...
 Compiling file callframe.m ...
 Compiling file GSArray.m ...
GSArray.m: In function `-[GSMutableArray objectEnumerator]':

GSArray.m:755: warning: no interface seen for `GSArrayEnumerator'
GSArray.m:755: warning: receiver of type `GSArrayEnumerator' may not respond to 
GSArray.m: In function `-[GSMutableArray reverseObjectEnumerator]':

GSArray.m:761: warning: no interface seen for `GSArrayEnumeratorReverse'
GSArray.m:761: warning: receiver of type `GSArrayEnumeratorReverse' may not 
respond to `+allocWithZone:'
 Compiling file GSAttributedString.m ...
 Compiling file GSCountedSet.m ...
 Compiling file GSDictionary.m ...
 Compiling file GSFileHandle.m ...
GSFileHandle.m: In function `-[GSFileHandle checkConnect]':

GSFileHandle.m:1245: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' found
../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: could be using 
../Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: or 
`-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
GSFileHandle.m:1245: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
GSFileHandle.m:1245: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
GSFileHandle.m:1245: warning: `...' as arguments.)
GSFileHandle.m: In function `-[GSFileHandle checkWrite]':

GSFileHandle.m:1294: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' found
../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: could be using 
../Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: or 
`-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
 Compiling file GSFormat.m ...
 Compiling file GSFTPURLHandle.m ...
 Compiling file GSHTTPURLHandle.m ...
 Compiling file GSSet.m ...
 Compiling file GSString.m ...
 Compiling file GSValue.m ...
 Compiling file NSAttributedString.m ...
NSAttributedString.m: In function `+[NSAttributedString initialize]':

NSAttributedString.m:101: warning: no interface seen for `GSAttributedString'
NSAttributedString.m:101: warning: receiver of type `GSAttributedString' may 
not respond to `+class'
NSAttributedString.m:105: warning: no interface seen for 
NSAttributedString.m:105: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableAttributedString' 
may not respond to `+class'
NSAttributedString.m:106: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableDictionary'
NSAttributedString.m:106: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableDictionary' may 
not respond to `+class'
 Compiling file NSArchiver.m ...
NSArchiver.m: In function `+[NSArchiver initialize]':

NSArchiver.m:79: warning: no interface seen for `NSMutableDataMalloc'
NSArchiver.m:79: warning: receiver of type `NSMutableDataMalloc' may not 
respond to `+class'
 Compiling file NSArray.m ...
NSArray.m: In function `+[NSArray initialize]':

NSArray.m:102: warning: no interface seen for `GSArray'
NSArray.m:102: warning: receiver of type `GSArray' may not respond to `+class'
NSArray.m:103: warning: no interface seen for `GSInlineArray'
NSArray.m:103: warning: receiver of type `GSInlineArray' may not respond to 
NSArray.m:104: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableArray'
NSArray.m:104: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableArray' may not respond to 
NSArray.m:105: warning: no interface seen for `GSPlaceholderArray'
NSArray.m:105: warning: receiver of type `GSPlaceholderArray' may not respond 
to `+class'
NSArray.m: In function `-[NSArray objectEnumerator]':

NSArray.m:988: warning: no interface seen for `NSArrayEnumerator'
NSArray.m:988: warning: receiver of type `NSArrayEnumerator' may not respond to 
NSArray.m: In function `-[NSArray reverseObjectEnumerator]':

NSArray.m:1003: warning: no interface seen for `NSArrayEnumeratorReverse'
NSArray.m:1003: warning: receiver of type `NSArrayEnumeratorReverse' may not 
respond to `+allocWithZone:'
 Compiling file NSAssertionHandler.m ...
 Compiling file NSAutoreleasePool.m ...
 Compiling file NSBitmapCharSet.m ...
 Compiling file NSBundle.m ...
 Compiling file NSCalendarDate.m ...
NSCalendarDate.m: In function `+[NSCalendarDate initialize]':

NSCalendarDate.m:292: warning: no interface seen for `GSTimeZone'
NSCalendarDate.m:292: warning: receiver of type `GSTimeZone' may not respond to 
NSCalendarDate.m:293: warning: no interface seen for `GSAbsTimeZone'
NSCalendarDate.m:293: warning: receiver of type `GSAbsTimeZone' may not respond 
to `+class'
NSCalendarDate.m:311: warning: no interface seen for `NSGDate'
NSCalendarDate.m:311: warning: receiver of type `NSGDate' may not respond to 
 Compiling file NSCallBacks.m ...
 Compiling file NSCharacterSet.m ...
 Compiling file NSClassDescription.m ...
 Compiling file NSCoder.m ...
 Compiling file NSCopyObject.m ...
 Compiling file NSCountedSet.m ...
NSCountedSet.m: In function `+[NSCountedSet initialize]':

NSCountedSet.m:75: warning: no interface seen for `GSCountedSet'
NSCountedSet.m:75: warning: receiver of type `GSCountedSet' may not respond to 
 Compiling file NSConnection.m ...
NSConnection.m: In function `-[NSConnection(Private) retainTarget:]':

NSConnection.m:3320: warning: multiple methods named `-_getReplyRmc:' found for 
receiver of type `NSConnection'
NSConnection.m:244: warning: could be using `-(NSPortCoder 
NSConnection.m:2628: warning: or `-_getReplyRmc:(int)sn'
NSConnection.m:3320: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a 
receiver type, one
NSConnection.m:3320: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
 Compiling file NSData.m ...
 Compiling file NSDate.m ...
NSDate.m: In function `-[NSDate compare:]':

NSDate.m:1289: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for receiver 
of type `NSDate'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDate.h:99: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSDate *)otherDate'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
NSDate.m: In function `-[NSGDate compare:]':

NSDate.m:1423: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for receiver 
of type `NSGDate'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDate.h:99: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSDate *)otherDate'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
 Compiling file NSDateFormatter.m ...
 Compiling file NSDebug.m ...
 Compiling file NSDecimal.m ...
 Compiling file NSDecimalNumber.m ...
NSDecimalNumber.m: In function `-[NSDecimalNumber compare:]':

NSDecimalNumber.m:443: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSDecimalNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDecimalNumber.h:107: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)decimalNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
NSDecimalNumber.m:452: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
NSDecimalNumber.m:452: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a 
receiver type, one
NSDecimalNumber.m:452: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
 Compiling file NSDictionary.m ...
NSDictionary.m: In function `+[NSDictionary initialize]':

NSDictionary.m:73: warning: no interface seen for `GSDictionary'
NSDictionary.m:73: warning: receiver of type `GSDictionary' may not respond to 
NSDictionary.m:74: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableDictionary'
NSDictionary.m:74: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableDictionary' may not 
respond to `+class'
 Compiling file NSDistantObject.m ...
NSDistantObject.m: In function `+[GSDistantObjectPlaceHolder initialize]':

NSDistantObject.m:110: warning: receiver of type `GSDistantObjectPlaceHolder' 
may not respond to `+class'
NSDistantObject.m: In function `+[NSDistantObject initialize]':

NSDistantObject.m:353: warning: receiver of type `GSDistantObjectPlaceHolder' 
may not respond to `+class'
 Compiling file NSDistributedLock.m ...
 Compiling file NSDistributedNotificationCenter.m ...
NSDistributedNotificationCenter.m: In function 
`-[NSDistributedNotificationCenter addObserver:selector:name:object:]':

NSDistributedNotificationCenter.m:234: warning: multiple methods named 
`-addObserver:selector:name:object:' found for receiver of type 
../Headers/Foundation/NSDistributedNotificationCenter.h:59: warning: could be 
using `-(void)addObserver:(id)anObserver selector:(SEL)aSelector name:(NSString 
*)notificationName object:(NSString *)anObject'
../Headers/Foundation/NSNotification.h:70: warning: or 
`-(void)addObserver:(id)observer selector:(SEL)selector name:(NSString *)name 
NSDistributedNotificationCenter.m: In function 
`-[NSDistributedNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:]':

NSDistributedNotificationCenter.m:347: warning: multiple methods named 
`-postNotificationName:object:' found for receiver of type 
../Headers/Foundation/NSDistributedNotificationCenter.h:67: warning: could be 
using `-(void)postNotificationName:(NSString *)notificationName 
object:(NSString *)anObject'
../Headers/Foundation/NSNotification.h:79: warning: or 
`-(void)postNotificationName:(NSString *)name object:(id)object'
NSDistributedNotificationCenter.m: In function 
`-[NSDistributedNotificationCenter postNotificationName:object:userInfo:]':

NSDistributedNotificationCenter.m:362: warning: multiple methods named 
`-postNotificationName:object:userInfo:' found for receiver of type 
../Headers/Foundation/NSDistributedNotificationCenter.h:70: warning: could be 
using `-(void)postNotificationName:(NSString *)notificationName 
object:(NSString *)anObject userInfo:(NSDictionary *)userInfo'
../Headers/Foundation/NSNotification.h:82: warning: or 
`-(void)postNotificationName:(NSString *)name object:(id)object 
userInfo:(NSDictionary *)info'
NSDistributedNotificationCenter.m: In function 
`-[NSDistributedNotificationCenter removeObserver:name:object:]':

NSDistributedNotificationCenter.m:420: warning: multiple methods named 
`-removeObserver:name:object:' found for receiver of type 
../Headers/Foundation/NSDistributedNotificationCenter.h:77: warning: could be 
using `-(void)removeObserver:(id)anObserver name:(NSString *)notificationName 
object:(NSString *)anObject'
../Headers/Foundation/NSNotification.h:75: warning: or 
`-(void)removeObserver:(id)observer name:(NSString *)name object:(id)object'
 Compiling file NSEnumerator.m ...
 Compiling file NSException.m ...
 Compiling file NSFileHandle.m ...
 Compiling file NSFileManager.m ...
 Compiling file NSFormatter.m ...
 Compiling file NSGeometry.m ...
 Compiling file NSHashTable.m ...
 Compiling file NSHost.m ...
 Compiling file NSInvocation.m ...
 Compiling file NSKeyValueCoding.m ...
 Compiling file NSLock.m ...
 Compiling file NSLog.m ...
 Compiling file NSMapTable.m ...
 Compiling file NSMethodSignature.m ...
 Compiling file NSNotification.m ...
NSNotification.m: In function `+[NSNotification initialize]':

NSNotification.m:53: warning: no interface seen for `GSNotification'
NSNotification.m:53: warning: receiver of type `GSNotification' may not respond 
to `+class'
 Compiling file NSNotificationCenter.m ...
 Compiling file NSNotificationQueue.m ...
 Compiling file NSNull.m ...
 Compiling file NSNumber.m ...
NSNumber.m: In function `-[NSNumber compare:]':

NSNumber.m:2217: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for receiver 
of type `NSNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
NSNumber.m: In function `-[NSNumber isEqualToNumber:]':

NSNumber.m:2303: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for receiver 
of type `NSNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
NSNumber.m:2217: warning: or `-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)other'
NSNumber.m:2303: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a receiver 
type, one
NSNumber.m:2303: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
 Compiling file NSNumberFormatter.m ...
 Compiling file NSObjCRuntime.m ...
 Compiling file NSObject.m ...
NSObject.m: In function `+[NSObject initialize]':

NSObject.m:881: warning: no interface seen for `NSRecursiveLock'
NSObject.m:881: warning: receiver of type `NSRecursiveLock' may not respond to 
NSObject.m:886: warning: no interface seen for `NSZombie'
NSObject.m:886: warning: receiver of type `NSZombie' may not respond to `+class'
NSObject.m: In function `-[NSObject(GNU) isClass]':

NSObject.m:2129: warning: passing arg 1 of `GSObjCIsClass' from incompatible 
pointer type
 Compiling file NSPage.m ...
 Compiling file NSPipe.m ...
 Compiling file NSPort.m ...
 Compiling file NSPortCoder.m ...
NSPortCoder.m: In function `+[NSPortCoder initialize]':

NSPortCoder.m:315: warning: no interface seen for `NSMutableDataMalloc'
NSPortCoder.m:315: warning: receiver of type `NSMutableDataMalloc' may not 
respond to `+class'
 Compiling file NSPortMessage.m ...
 Compiling file NSPortNameServer.m ...
 Compiling file NSProcessInfo.m ...
 Compiling file NSProtocolChecker.m ...
 Compiling file NSProxy.m ...
 Compiling file NSRange.m ...
 Compiling file NSRunLoop.m ...
NSRunLoop.m: In function `aSort':

NSRunLoop.m:337: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for receiver 
of type `NSDate  *'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDate.h:99: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSDate *)otherDate'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
NSRunLoop.m:337: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a receiver 
type, one
NSRunLoop.m:337: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
NSRunLoop.m: In function `-[NSRunLoop limitDateForMode:]':

NSRunLoop.m:1871: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSDate  *'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDate.h:99: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSDate *)otherDate'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
 Compiling file NSScanner.m ...
NSScanner.m: In function `+[NSScanner initialize]':

NSScanner.m:111: warning: no interface seen for `GSCString'
NSScanner.m:111: warning: receiver of type `GSCString' may not respond to 
NSScanner.m:112: warning: no interface seen for `GSUnicodeString'
NSScanner.m:112: warning: receiver of type `GSUnicodeString' may not respond to 
NSScanner.m:113: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableString'
NSScanner.m:113: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableString' may not respond to 
NSScanner.m:114: warning: no interface seen for `GSPlaceholderString'
NSScanner.m:114: warning: receiver of type `GSPlaceholderString' may not 
respond to `+class'
NSScanner.m:607:6: warning: #warning "Can't use long long variables."
 Compiling file NSSerializer.m ...
NSSerializer.m: In function `+[NSSerializer initialize]':

NSSerializer.m:362: warning: no interface seen for `GSCString'
NSSerializer.m:362: warning: receiver of type `GSCString' may not respond to 
NSSerializer.m:363: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableString'
NSSerializer.m:363: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableString' may not respond 
to `+class'
NSSerializer.m: In function `+[NSDeserializer initialize]':

NSSerializer.m:818: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableArray'
NSSerializer.m:818: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableArray' may not respond 
to `+class'
NSSerializer.m:819: warning: no interface seen for `NSDataMalloc'
NSSerializer.m:819: warning: receiver of type `NSDataMalloc' may not respond to 
NSSerializer.m:820: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableDictionary'
NSSerializer.m:820: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableDictionary' may not 
respond to `+class'
NSSerializer.m:821: warning: no interface seen for `GSUnicodeString'
NSSerializer.m:821: warning: receiver of type `GSUnicodeString' may not respond 
to `+class'
NSSerializer.m:822: warning: no interface seen for `GSCString'
NSSerializer.m:822: warning: receiver of type `GSCString' may not respond to 
 Compiling file NSSet.m ...
NSSet.m: In function `+[NSSet initialize]':

NSSet.m:66: warning: no interface seen for `GSSet'
NSSet.m:66: warning: receiver of type `GSSet' may not respond to `+class'
NSSet.m:67: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableSet'
NSSet.m:67: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableSet' may not respond to `+class'
 Compiling file NSSocketPort.m ...
 Compiling file NSSocketPortNameServer.m ...
 Compiling file NSString.m ...
NSString.m: In function `+[NSString initialize]':

NSString.m:380: warning: no interface seen for `GSPlaceholderString'
NSString.m:380: warning: receiver of type `GSPlaceholderString' may not respond 
to `+class'
NSString.m:382: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableString'
NSString.m:382: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableString' may not respond to 
NSString.m: In function `-[NSString compare:]':

NSString.m:1745: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for receiver 
of type `NSString'
../Headers/Foundation/NSString.h:177: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)aString'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
NSString.m: In function `-[NSMutableString(GNUstep) immutableProxy]':

NSString.m:4382: warning: no interface seen for `GSImmutableString'
NSString.m:4382: warning: receiver of type `GSImmutableString' may not respond 
to `+alloc'
NSString.m:4386: warning: no interface seen for `NSImmutableString'
NSString.m:4386: warning: receiver of type `NSImmutableString' may not respond 
to `+alloc'
NSString.m: In function `setupPl':

NSString.m:5167: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableArray'
NSString.m:5167: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableArray' may not respond to 
NSString.m:5171: warning: no interface seen for `GSMutableDictionary'
NSString.m:5171: warning: receiver of type `GSMutableDictionary' may not 
respond to `+class'
 Compiling file NSTask.m ...
 Compiling file NSThread.m ...
NSThread.m: In function `gnustep_base_thread_callback':

NSThread.m:377: warning: no interface seen for `GSPerformHolder'
NSThread.m:377: warning: receiver of type `GSPerformHolder' may not respond to 
 Compiling file NSTimer.m ...
NSTimer.m: In function `+[NSTimer initialize]':

NSTimer.m:45: warning: no interface seen for `NSGDate'
NSTimer.m:45: warning: receiver of type `NSGDate' may not respond to `+class'
NSTimer.m: In function `-[NSTimer compare:]':

NSTimer.m:315: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for receiver 
of type `NSDate  *'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDate.h:99: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSDate *)otherDate'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
NSTimer.m:315: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a receiver 
type, one
NSTimer.m:315: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
 Compiling file NSTimeZone.m ...
NSTimeZone.m: In function `-[GSAbsTimeZone timeZoneDetailTimeZone]':

NSTimeZone.m:685: warning: receiver of type `NSTimeZone' may not respond to 
 Compiling file NSUnarchiver.m ...
NSUnarchiver.m: In function `+[NSUnarchiver initialize]':

NSUnarchiver.m:354: warning: no interface seen for `NSDataMalloc'
NSUnarchiver.m:354: warning: receiver of type `NSDataMalloc' may not respond to 
 Compiling file NSUndoManager.m ...
 Compiling file NSURL.m ...
 Compiling file NSURLHandle.m ...
NSURLHandle.m: In function `+[NSURLHandle initialize]':

NSURLHandle.m:160: warning: no interface seen for `GSFileURLHandle'
NSURLHandle.m:160: warning: receiver of type `GSFileURLHandle' may not respond 
to `+class'
NSURLHandle.m:161: warning: no interface seen for `GSFTPURLHandle'
NSURLHandle.m:161: warning: receiver of type `GSFTPURLHandle' may not respond 
to `+class'
NSURLHandle.m:162: warning: no interface seen for `GSHTTPURLHandle'
NSURLHandle.m:162: warning: receiver of type `GSHTTPURLHandle' may not respond 
to `+class'
 Compiling file NSUser.m ...
 Compiling file NSUserDefaults.m ...
NSUserDefaults.m: In function `+[NSUserDefaults initialize]':

NSUserDefaults.m:227: warning: no interface seen for `NSData'
NSUserDefaults.m:227: warning: receiver of type `NSData' may not respond to 
NSUserDefaults.m: In function `-[NSUserDefaults initWithContentsOfFile:]':

NSUserDefaults.m:791: warning: multiple methods named `-initWithPath:' found
../Headers/Foundation/NSBundle.h:158: warning: could be using 
`-(id)initWithPath:(NSString *)path'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDistributedLock.h:38: warning: or `-(NSDistributedLock 
*)initWithPath:(NSString *)aPath'
NSUserDefaults.m:791: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSUserDefaults.m:791: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSUserDefaults.m:791: warning: `...' as arguments.)
NSUserDefaults.m: In function `-[NSUserDefaults objectForKey:]':

NSUserDefaults.m:987: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' found
../Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: could be using 
`-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: or 
NSUserDefaults.m:990: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' found
../Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: could be using 
`-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: or 
NSUserDefaults.m: In function `-[NSUserDefaults removeObjectForKey:]':

NSUserDefaults.m:1007: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' found
../Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: could be using 
`-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: or 
NSUserDefaults.m: In function `isPlistObject':

NSUserDefaults.m:1105: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' found
../Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: could be using 
`-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: or 
 Compiling file NSValue.m ...
NSValue.m: In function `+[NSValue initialize]':

NSValue.m:75: warning: no interface seen for `GSValue'
NSValue.m:75: warning: receiver of type `GSValue' may not respond to `+class'
NSValue.m:76: warning: no interface seen for `GSNonretainedObjectValue'
NSValue.m:76: warning: receiver of type `GSNonretainedObjectValue' may not 
respond to `+class'
NSValue.m:77: warning: no interface seen for `GSPointValue'
NSValue.m:77: warning: receiver of type `GSPointValue' may not respond to 
NSValue.m:78: warning: no interface seen for `GSPointerValue'
NSValue.m:78: warning: receiver of type `GSPointerValue' may not respond to 
NSValue.m:79: warning: no interface seen for `GSRangeValue'
NSValue.m:79: warning: receiver of type `GSRangeValue' may not respond to 
NSValue.m:80: warning: no interface seen for `GSRectValue'
NSValue.m:80: warning: receiver of type `GSRectValue' may not respond to 
NSValue.m:81: warning: no interface seen for `GSSizeValue'
NSValue.m:81: warning: receiver of type `GSSizeValue' may not respond to 
NSValue.m: In function `-[NSValue initWithCoder:]':

NSValue.m:511: warning: no interface seen for `NSDataStatic'
NSValue.m:511: warning: receiver of type `NSDataStatic' may not respond to 
 Compiling file NSZone.m ...
 Compiling file externs.m ...
 Compiling file objc-load.m ...
 Compiling file NSMessagePort.m ...
 Compiling file NSMessagePortNameServer.m ...
 Compiling file GSFFCallInvocation.m ...
rm -f GSValue0.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo GSValue0.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >GSValue0.m
cat ./GSTemplateValue.m >> GSValue0.m
 Compiling file GSValue0.m ...
rm -f GSValue1.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo GSValue1.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >GSValue1.m
cat ./GSTemplateValue.m >> GSValue1.m
 Compiling file GSValue1.m ...
rm -f GSValue2.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo GSValue2.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >GSValue2.m
cat ./GSTemplateValue.m >> GSValue2.m
 Compiling file GSValue2.m ...
rm -f GSValue3.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo GSValue3.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >GSValue3.m
cat ./GSTemplateValue.m >> GSValue3.m
 Compiling file GSValue3.m ...
rm -f GSValue4.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo GSValue4.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >GSValue4.m
cat ./GSTemplateValue.m >> GSValue4.m
 Compiling file GSValue4.m ...
rm -f GSValue5.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo GSValue5.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >GSValue5.m
cat ./GSTemplateValue.m >> GSValue5.m
 Compiling file GSValue5.m ...
rm -f NSNumber0.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber0.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber0.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber0.m
 Compiling file NSNumber0.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSBoolNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSBoolNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber1.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber1.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber1.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber1.m
 Compiling file NSNumber1.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSCharNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSCharNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber2.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber2.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber2.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber2.m
 Compiling file NSNumber2.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSUCharNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSUCharNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber3.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber3.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber3.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber3.m
 Compiling file NSNumber3.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSShortNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSShortNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber4.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber4.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber4.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber4.m
 Compiling file NSNumber4.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSUShortNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSUShortNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber5.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber5.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber5.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber5.m
 Compiling file NSNumber5.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSIntNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSIntNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber6.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber6.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber6.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber6.m
 Compiling file NSNumber6.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSUIntNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSUIntNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber7.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber7.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber7.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber7.m
 Compiling file NSNumber7.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSLongNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSLongNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber8.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber8.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber8.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber8.m
 Compiling file NSNumber8.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSULongNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSULongNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber9.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber9.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` >NSNumber9.m
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber9.m
 Compiling file NSNumber9.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSLongLongNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSLongLongNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber10.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber10.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` 
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber10.m
 Compiling file NSNumber10.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSULongLongNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSULongLongNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber11.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber11.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` 
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber11.m
 Compiling file NSNumber11.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSFloatNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSFloatNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
rm -f NSNumber12.m
echo '#define TYPE_ORDER' `echo NSNumber12.m | sed -e "s,[^0-9],,g"` 
cat ./NSConcreteNumber.m >> NSNumber12.m
 Compiling file NSNumber12.m ...
NSConcreteNumber.m: In function `-[NSDoubleNumber compare:]':

NSConcreteNumber.m:194: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSDoubleNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSValue.h:116: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSNumber *)otherNumber'
../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
 Linking library libgnustep-base ...
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/Source'
Making all in SSL...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/SSL'
Making all for bundle SSL...
 Creating SSL.bundle/....
 Compiling file GSSSLHandle.m ...
 Linking bundle SSL ...
 Creating SSL.bundle/Resources...
 Creating SSL.bundle/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/SSL'
Making all in Tools...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/Tools'
Making all for tool autogsdoc...
 Compiling file autogsdoc.m ...
 Compiling file AGSParser.m ...
 Compiling file AGSOutput.m ...
AGSOutput.m: In function `-[AGSOutput outputFunction:to:]':

AGSOutput.m:754: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' found
../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: could be using 
../Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: or 
`-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
AGSOutput.m:754: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
AGSOutput.m:754: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
AGSOutput.m:754: warning: `...' as arguments.)
 Compiling file AGSIndex.m ...
 Compiling file AGSHtml.m ...
AGSHtml.m: In function `-[AGSHtml outputIndex:scope:title:to:]':

AGSHtml.m:388: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' found
../Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: could be using 
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepBase/GSXML.h:141: warning: or `-(NSString 
*)objectForKey:(NSString *)key'
../Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: or 
`-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
AGSHtml.m:388: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
AGSHtml.m:388: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
AGSHtml.m:388: warning: `...' as arguments.)
AGSHtml.m: In function `-[AGSHtml outputNode:to:]':

AGSHtml.m:1584: warning: unused variable `tmp'
 Linking tool autogsdoc ...
Making all for tool cvtenc...
 Compiling file cvtenc.m ...
 Linking tool cvtenc ...
Making all for tool gdnc...
 Compiling file gdnc.m ...
 Linking tool gdnc ...
Making all for tool defaults...
 Compiling file defaults.m ...
 Linking tool defaults ...
Making all for tool plmerge...
 Compiling file plmerge.m ...
 Linking tool plmerge ...
Making all for tool plparse...
 Compiling file plparse.m ...
 Linking tool plparse ...
Making all for tool sfparse...
 Compiling file sfparse.m ...
 Linking tool sfparse ...
Making all for tool pldes...
 Compiling file pldes.m ...
 Linking tool pldes ...
Making all for tool plser...
 Compiling file plser.m ...
 Linking tool plser ...
Making all for tool pl2link...
 Compiling file pl2link.m ...
 Linking tool pl2link ...
Making all for tool xmlparse...
 Compiling file xmlparse.m ...
 Linking tool xmlparse ...
Making all for ctool gdomap...
 Compiling file gdomap.c ...
 Linking ctool gdomap ...
Making all in make_strings...
make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/Tools/make_strings'
Making all for tool make_strings...
 Compiling file make_strings.m ...
 Compiling file SourceEntry.m ...
 Compiling file StringsEntry.m ...
StringsEntry.m: In function `-[StringsEntry compareFileLine:]':

StringsEntry.m:75: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSString  *'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSString.h:177: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)aString'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
StringsEntry.m:75: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a receiver 
type, one
StringsEntry.m:75: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
StringsEntry.m: In function `-[StringsEntry compareFileKeyComment:]':

StringsEntry.m:87: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSString  *'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSString.h:177: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)aString'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
StringsEntry.m:90: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSString  *'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSString.h:177: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)aString'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
StringsEntry.m:97: warning: multiple methods named `-compare:' found for 
receiver of type `NSString  *'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSString.h:177: warning: could be using 
`-(NSComparisonResult)compare:(NSString *)aString'
../../Headers/Foundation/NSObject.h:298: warning: or 
 Compiling file StringsFile.m ...
 Linking tool make_strings ...
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/Tools/make_strings'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/Tools'
Making all in NSCharacterSets...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/NSCharacterSets'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/NSCharacterSets'
Making all in NSTimeZones...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/NSTimeZones'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/NSTimeZones'
Making all in Resources...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/Resources'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/base/Resources'
Making all in Source...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Source'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Makefiles/mkinstalldirs .
mv ../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/config.h .
touch ./config.h
Making all for library libgnustep-gui...
 Compiling file Functions.m ...
 Compiling file NSActionCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSAffineTransform.m ...
 Compiling file NSApplication.m ...
NSApplication.m: In function `-[NSApplication arrangeInFront:]':

NSApplication.m:1908: warning: multiple methods named `-target' found
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSInvocation.h:66: warning: 
could be using `-(id)target'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSProtocolChecker.h:50: warning: 
or `-(NSObject *)target'
NSApplication.m:1908: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSApplication.m:1908: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSApplication.m:1908: warning: `...' as arguments.)
NSApplication.m: In function `-[NSApplication removeWindowsItem:]':

NSApplication.m:2108: warning: multiple methods named `-target' found
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSInvocation.h:66: warning: 
could be using `-(id)target'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSProtocolChecker.h:50: warning: 
or `-(NSObject *)target'
NSApplication.m: In function `-[NSApplication 

NSApplication.m:2178: warning: multiple methods named `-target' found
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSInvocation.h:66: warning: 
could be using `-(id)target'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSProtocolChecker.h:50: warning: 
or `-(NSObject *)target'
NSApplication.m: In function `-[NSApplication updateWindowsItem:]':

NSApplication.m:2267: warning: multiple methods named `-target' found
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSInvocation.h:66: warning: 
could be using `-(id)target'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSProtocolChecker.h:50: warning: 
or `-(NSObject *)target'
 Compiling file NSAttributedString.m ...
NSAttributedString.m: In function `-[NSAttributedString(AppKit) 

NSAttributedString.m:577: warning: multiple methods named `-initWithPath:' found
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSBundle.h:158: warning: could 
be using `-(id)initWithPath:(NSString *)path'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSDistributedLock.h:38: warning: 
or `-(NSDistributedLock *)initWithPath:(NSString *)aPath'
NSAttributedString.m:577: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSAttributedString.m:577: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSAttributedString.m:577: warning: `...' as arguments.)
NSAttributedString.m: In function `-[NSMutableAttributedString(AppKit) 

NSAttributedString.m:1135: warning: receiver of type `NSString' may not respond 
to `+initWithData:encoding:'
NSAttributedString.m:1135: warning: no prototype found for 
NSAttributedString.m:1135: warning: (Messages without a matching method 
NSAttributedString.m:1135: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSAttributedString.m:1135: warning: `...' as arguments.)
 Compiling file NSBezierPath.m ...
NSBezierPath.m: In function `+[NSBezierPath initialize]':

NSBezierPath.m:72: warning: no interface seen for `GSBezierPath'
NSBezierPath.m:72: warning: receiver of type `GSBezierPath' may not respond to 
NSBezierPath.m: In function `+[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithRect:]':

NSBezierPath.m:109: warning: multiple methods named `+bezierPath' found for 
receiver of type `NSBezierPath'
../Headers/AppKit/NSBezierPath.h:82: warning: could be using `+(NSBezierPath 
NSBezierPath.m:101: warning: or `+(id)bezierPath'
NSBezierPath.m:109: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a receiver 
type, one
NSBezierPath.m:109: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
NSBezierPath.m: In function `+[NSBezierPath bezierPathWithOvalInRect:]':

NSBezierPath.m:119: warning: multiple methods named `+bezierPath' found for 
receiver of type `NSBezierPath'
../Headers/AppKit/NSBezierPath.h:82: warning: could be using `+(NSBezierPath 
NSBezierPath.m:101: warning: or `+(id)bezierPath'
NSBezierPath.m: In function `-[NSBezierPath bezierPathByFlatteningPath]':

NSBezierPath.m:536: warning: multiple methods named `+bezierPath' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSBezierPath.h:82: warning: could be using `+(NSBezierPath 
NSBezierPath.m:101: warning: or `+(id)bezierPath'
NSBezierPath.m:536: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSBezierPath.m:536: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSBezierPath.m:536: warning: `...' as arguments.)
NSBezierPath.m: In function `-[NSBezierPath bezierPathByReversingPath]':

NSBezierPath.m:591: warning: multiple methods named `+bezierPath' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSBezierPath.h:82: warning: could be using `+(NSBezierPath 
NSBezierPath.m:101: warning: or `+(id)bezierPath'
 Compiling file NSBitmapImageRep.m ...
 Compiling file NSBox.m ...
 Compiling file NSBrowser.m ...
 Compiling file NSBrowserCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSBundleAdditions.m ...
NSBundleAdditions.m:61: warning: 'currentVersion' defined but not used
 Compiling file NSButton.m ...
 Compiling file NSButtonCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSCachedImageRep.m ...
 Compiling file NSCell.m ...
NSCell.m: In function `-[NSCell(PrivateMethods) _sizeText:]':

NSCell.m:2111: warning: multiple methods named 
`-_nonAutoreleasedTypingAttributes' found for receiver of type `NSCell'
../Headers/AppKit/NSCell.h:446: warning: could be using `-(NSMutableDictionary 
NSCell.m:2070: warning: or `-(NSDictionary *)_nonAutoreleasedTypingAttributes'
NSCell.m:2111: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a receiver 
type, one
NSCell.m:2111: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
NSCell.m: In function `-[NSCell(PrivateMethods) _drawText:inFrame:]':

NSCell.m:2149: warning: multiple methods named 
`-_nonAutoreleasedTypingAttributes' found for receiver of type `NSCell'
../Headers/AppKit/NSCell.h:446: warning: could be using `-(NSMutableDictionary 
NSCell.m:2070: warning: or `-(NSDictionary *)_nonAutoreleasedTypingAttributes'
 Compiling file NSClipView.m ...
NSClipView.m: In function `-[NSClipView dealloc]':

NSClipView.m:107: warning: no interface seen for `NSTableView'
NSClipView.m:107: warning: receiver of type `NSTableView' may not respond to 
NSClipView.m: In function `-[NSClipView setDocumentView:]':

NSClipView.m:136: warning: no interface seen for `NSTableView'
NSClipView.m:136: warning: receiver of type `NSTableView' may not respond to 
NSClipView.m:186: warning: no interface seen for `NSTableView'
NSClipView.m:186: warning: receiver of type `NSTableView' may not respond to 
 Compiling file NSColor.m ...
 Compiling file NSColorList.m ...
 Compiling file NSColorPanel.m ...
 Compiling file NSColorPicker.m ...
NSColorPicker.m: In function `-[NSColorPicker provideNewButtonImage]':

NSColorPicker.m:87: warning: no interface seen for `NSImage'
NSColorPicker.m:87: warning: receiver of type `NSImage' may not respond to 
 Compiling file NSColorWell.m ...
 Compiling file NSComboBox.m ...
 Compiling file NSComboBoxCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSControl.m ...
 Compiling file NSCursor.m ...
 Compiling file NSCustomImageRep.m ...
 Compiling file NSDataLink.m ...
 Compiling file NSDataLinkManager.m ...
 Compiling file NSDataLinkPanel.m ...
 Compiling file NSDocument.m ...
NSDocument.m: In function `-[NSDocument readFromFile:ofType:]':

NSDocument.m:422: warning: multiple methods named `-initWithPath:' found
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSBundle.h:158: warning: could 
be using `-(id)initWithPath:(NSString *)path'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSDistributedLock.h:38: warning: 
or `-(NSDistributedLock *)initWithPath:(NSString *)aPath'
NSDocument.m:422: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSDocument.m:422: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSDocument.m:422: warning: `...' as arguments.)
 Compiling file NSDocumentController.m ...
NSDocumentController.m: In function `-[NSDocumentController _defaultType]':

NSDocumentController.m:227: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' 
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: 
could be using `-(id)objectForKey:(id)aKey'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: 
or `-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
NSDocumentController.m:227: warning: (Messages matching multiple method 
NSDocumentController.m:227: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSDocumentController.m:227: warning: `...' as arguments.)
 Compiling file NSDrawer.m ...
 Compiling file NSEPSImageRep.m ...
 Compiling file NSEvent.m ...
 Compiling file NSFileWrapper.m ...
 Compiling file NSFont.m ...
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:84: warning: 
'CGAffineTransformIdentity' defined but not used
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:137: warning: 'CGPointZero' 
defined but not used
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:147: warning: 'CGRectNull' 
defined but not used
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:149: warning: 'CGSizeZero' 
defined but not used
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:151: warning: 'CGRectZero' 
defined but not used
 Compiling file NSFontManager.m ...
 Compiling file NSFontPanel.m ...
 Compiling file NSForm.m ...
 Compiling file NSFormCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSGraphicsContext.m ...
 Compiling file NSHelpPanel.m ...
 Compiling file NSHelpManager.m ...
 Compiling file NSImage.m ...
 Compiling file NSImageCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSImageRep.m ...
 Compiling file NSImageView.m ...
 Compiling file NSInputManager.m ...
NSInputManager.m: In function `-[NSInputManager loadBindingsFromFile:]':

NSInputManager.m:301: warning: receiver of type `NSException' may not respond 
to `+raise'
NSInputManager.m:301: warning: no prototype found for `+raise'
NSInputManager.m:301: warning: (Messages without a matching method prototype
NSInputManager.m:301: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSInputManager.m:301: warning: `...' as arguments.)
NSInputManager.m: In function `-[NSInputManager insertText:]':

NSInputManager.m:783: warning: multiple methods named `-insertText:' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSInputManager.h:54: warning: could be using 
../Headers/AppKit/NSResponder.h:147: warning: or `-(void)insertText:(NSString 
NSInputManager.m:783: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSInputManager.m:783: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSInputManager.m:783: warning: `...' as arguments.)
 Compiling file NSInputServer.m ...
 Compiling file NSInterfaceStyle.m ...
 Compiling file NSLayoutManager.m ...
 Compiling file NSMatrix.m ...
 Compiling file NSMenu.m ...
NSMenu.m: In function `-[NSMenu update]':

NSMenu.m:804: warning: multiple methods named `-validateMenuItem:' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSMenu.h:562: warning: could be using 
`-(BOOL)validateMenuItem:(id <NSMenuItem>)menuItem'
../Headers/AppKit/NSMenu.h:567: warning: or 
`-(BOOL)validateMenuItem:(NSMenuItem *)aMenuItem'
NSMenu.m:804: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSMenu.m:804: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSMenu.m:804: warning: `...' as arguments.)
NSMenu.m:804: warning: assignment makes integer from pointer without a cast
 Compiling file NSMenuView.m ...
 Compiling file NSMenuItem.m ...
NSMenuItem.m: In function `-[NSMenuItem userKeyEquivalent]':

NSMenuItem.m:235: warning: multiple methods named `-objectForKey:' found
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSUserDefaults.h:158: warning: 
could be using `-(id)objectForKey:(NSString *)defaultName'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSDictionary.h:71: warning: or 
NSMenuItem.m:235: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSMenuItem.m:235: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSMenuItem.m:235: warning: `...' as arguments.)
 Compiling file NSMenuItemCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSOpenGLContext.m ...
NSOpenGLContext.m: In function `+[NSOpenGLContext currentContext]':

NSOpenGLContext.m:68: warning: multiple methods named `+currentContext' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSOpenGL.h:95: warning: could be using `+(NSOpenGLContext 
../Headers/AppKit/NSGraphicsContext.h:168: warning: or `+(NSGraphicsContext 
NSOpenGLContext.m:68: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSOpenGLContext.m:68: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSOpenGLContext.m:68: warning: `...' as arguments.)
 Compiling file NSOpenGLPixelFormat.m ...
 Compiling file NSOpenGLView.m ...
 Compiling file NSOpenPanel.m ...
 Compiling file NSOutlineView.m ...
 Compiling file NSPageLayout.m ...
 Compiling file NSPanel.m ...
 Compiling file NSParagraphStyle.m ...
 Compiling file NSPopUpButton.m ...
 Compiling file NSPopUpButtonCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSPrinter.m ...
 Compiling file NSPrintInfo.m ...
 Compiling file NSPrintOperation.m ...
 Compiling file NSPrintPanel.m ...
 Compiling file NSProgressIndicator.m ...
 Compiling file NSResponder.m ...
 Compiling file NSRulerMarker.m ...
 Compiling file NSRulerView.m ...
 Compiling file NSSavePanel.m ...
NSSavePanel.m: In function `-[NSSavePanel 

NSSavePanel.m:1213: warning: multiple methods named 
`-browser:createRowsForColumn:inMatrix:' found for receiver of type 
NSSavePanel.m:1180: warning: could be using `-(void)browser:(id)sender 
createRowsForColumn:(int)column inMatrix:(NSMatrix *)matrix'
../Headers/AppKit/NSBrowser.h:252: warning: or `-(void)browser:(NSBrowser 
*)sender createRowsForColumn:(int)column inMatrix:(NSMatrix *)matrix'
 Compiling file NSScreen.m ...
 Compiling file NSScroller.m ...
NSScroller.m: In function `-[NSScroller trackKnob:]':

NSScroller.m:594: warning: 'presentEvent' might be used uninitialized in this 
 Compiling file NSScrollView.m ...
 Compiling file NSSecureTextField.m ...
NSSecureTextField.m: In function `-[NSSecureTextFieldCell 

NSSecureTextField.m:122: warning: multiple methods named 
`-setUpFieldEditorAttributes:' found for receiver of type 
../Headers/AppKit/NSTextFieldCell.h:60: warning: could be using 
`-(id)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObject'
../Headers/AppKit/NSCell.h:249: warning: or `-(NSText 
*)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObject'
NSSecureTextField.m:127: warning: multiple methods named 
`-setUpFieldEditorAttributes:' found for receiver of type `NSTextFieldCell'
../Headers/AppKit/NSTextFieldCell.h:60: warning: could be using 
`-(id)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObject'
../Headers/AppKit/NSCell.h:249: warning: or `-(NSText 
*)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObject'
NSSecureTextField.m:127: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a 
receiver type, one
NSSecureTextField.m:127: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
 Compiling file NSSelection.m ...
 Compiling file NSSlider.m ...
 Compiling file NSSliderCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSSound.m ...
NSSound.m:86: warning: 'the_server' defined but not used
 Compiling file NSSpellChecker.m ...
 Compiling file NSSpellServer.m ...
 Compiling file NSSplitView.m ...
 Compiling file NSStepper.m ...
 Compiling file NSStepperCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSStringDrawing.m ...
 Compiling file NSTabView.m ...
 Compiling file NSTabViewItem.m ...
 Compiling file NSTableColumn.m ...
 Compiling file NSTableHeaderView.m ...
 Compiling file NSTableHeaderCell.m ...
 Compiling file NSTableView.m ...
NSTableView.m: In function `-[NSTableView mouseDown:]':

NSTableView.m:4296: warning: no interface seen for `NSAutoreleasePool'
NSTableView.m:4296: warning: receiver of type `NSAutoreleasePool' may not 
respond to `+new'
 Compiling file NSText.m ...
NSText.m: In function `+[NSText initialize]':

NSText.m:60: warning: no interface seen for `NSTextView'
NSText.m:60: warning: receiver of type `NSTextView' may not respond to `+class'
 Compiling file NSTextAttachment.m ...
 Compiling file NSTextContainer.m ...
 Compiling file NSTextField.m ...
NSTextField.m: In function `-[NSTextField selectText:]':

NSTextField.m:157: warning: multiple methods named 
`-setUpFieldEditorAttributes:' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSCell.h:249: warning: could be using `-(NSText 
*)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObject'
../Headers/AppKit/NSTextFieldCell.h:60: warning: or 
`-(id)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObject'
NSTextField.m:157: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSTextField.m:157: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSTextField.m:157: warning: `...' as arguments.)
NSTextField.m: In function `-[NSTextField mouseDown:]':

NSTextField.m:329: warning: multiple methods named 
`-setUpFieldEditorAttributes:' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSCell.h:249: warning: could be using `-(NSText 
*)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObject'
../Headers/AppKit/NSTextFieldCell.h:60: warning: or 
`-(id)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObject'
 Compiling file NSTextFieldCell.m ...
NSTextFieldCell.m: In function `-[NSTextFieldCell setUpFieldEditorAttributes:]':

NSTextFieldCell.m:152: warning: multiple methods named 
`-setUpFieldEditorAttributes:' found for receiver of type `NSTextFieldCell'
../Headers/AppKit/NSTextFieldCell.h:60: warning: could be using 
`-(id)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObject'
../Headers/AppKit/NSCell.h:249: warning: or `-(NSText 
*)setUpFieldEditorAttributes:(NSText *)textObject'
 Compiling file NSTextStorage.m ...
NSTextStorage.m: In function `+[NSTextStorage initialize]':

NSTextStorage.m:47: warning: no interface seen for `GSTextStorage'
NSTextStorage.m:47: warning: receiver of type `GSTextStorage' may not respond 
to `+class'
 Compiling file NSToolbar.m ...
 Compiling file NSToolbarItem.m ...
 Compiling file NSView.m ...
NSView.m: In function `-[NSView convertPoint:fromView:]':

NSView.m:1174: warning: multiple methods named `-contentView' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSScrollView.h:86: warning: could be using `-(NSClipView 
../Headers/AppKit/NSWindow.h:473: warning: or `-(id)contentView'
NSView.m:1174: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
NSView.m:1174: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
NSView.m:1174: warning: `...' as arguments.)
NSView.m: In function `-[NSView convertPoint:toView:]':

NSView.m:1202: warning: multiple methods named `-contentView' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSScrollView.h:86: warning: could be using `-(NSClipView 
../Headers/AppKit/NSWindow.h:473: warning: or `-(id)contentView'
NSView.m: In function `-[NSView convertRect:fromView:]':

NSView.m:1232: warning: multiple methods named `-contentView' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSScrollView.h:86: warning: could be using `-(NSClipView 
../Headers/AppKit/NSWindow.h:473: warning: or `-(id)contentView'
NSView.m: In function `-[NSView convertRect:toView:]':

NSView.m:1269: warning: multiple methods named `-contentView' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSScrollView.h:86: warning: could be using `-(NSClipView 
../Headers/AppKit/NSWindow.h:473: warning: or `-(id)contentView'
NSView.m: In function `-[NSView convertSize:fromView:]':

NSView.m:1306: warning: multiple methods named `-contentView' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSScrollView.h:86: warning: could be using `-(NSClipView 
../Headers/AppKit/NSWindow.h:473: warning: or `-(id)contentView'
NSView.m: In function `-[NSView convertSize:toView:]':

NSView.m:1336: warning: multiple methods named `-contentView' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSScrollView.h:86: warning: could be using `-(NSClipView 
../Headers/AppKit/NSWindow.h:473: warning: or `-(id)contentView'
 Compiling file NSWindow.m ...
 Compiling file NSWindowController.m ...
 Compiling file NSWorkspace.m ...
NSWorkspace.m: In function `-[_GSWorkspaceCenter dealloc]':

NSWorkspace.m:81: warning: multiple methods named 
`-removeObserver:name:object:' found for receiver of type 
`NSDistributedNotificationCenter  *'
 warning: could be using `-(void)removeObserver:(id)anObserver name:(NSString 
*)notificationName object:(NSString *)anObject'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSNotification.h:75: warning: or 
`-(void)removeObserver:(id)observer name:(NSString *)name object:(id)object'
NSWorkspace.m:81: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a receiver 
type, one
NSWorkspace.m:81: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
NSWorkspace.m: In function `-[_GSWorkspaceCenter init]':

NSWorkspace.m:97: warning: multiple methods named 
`-addObserver:selector:name:object:' found for receiver of type 
`NSDistributedNotificationCenter  *'
 warning: could be using `-(void)addObserver:(id)anObserver 
selector:(SEL)aSelector name:(NSString *)notificationName object:(NSString 
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSNotification.h:70: warning: or 
`-(void)addObserver:(id)observer selector:(SEL)selector name:(NSString *)name 
 Compiling file GSDisplayServer.m ...
 Compiling file GSFusedSilica.m ...
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:147: warning: 'CGRectNull' 
defined but not used
 Compiling file GSFusedSilicaContext.m ...
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:84: warning: 
'CGAffineTransformIdentity' defined but not used
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:137: warning: 'CGPointZero' 
defined but not used
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:147: warning: 'CGRectNull' 
defined but not used
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:149: warning: 'CGSizeZero' 
defined but not used
../Headers/Additions/GNUstepGUI/GSFusedSilica.h:151: warning: 'CGRectZero' 
defined but not used
 Compiling file GSHelpManagerPanel.m ...
 Compiling file GSInfoPanel.m ...
 Compiling file GSMemoryPanel.m ...
GSMemoryPanel.m: In function `-[GSMemoryPanel init]':

GSMemoryPanel.m:208: warning: multiple methods named `-initWithIdentifier:' 
../Headers/AppKit/NSTableColumn.h:53: warning: could be using 
../Headers/AppKit/NSToolbar.h:81: warning: or 
`-(id)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier'
GSMemoryPanel.m:208: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
GSMemoryPanel.m:208: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
GSMemoryPanel.m:208: warning: `...' as arguments.)
GSMemoryPanel.m:213: warning: multiple methods named `-initWithIdentifier:' 
../Headers/AppKit/NSTableColumn.h:53: warning: could be using 
../Headers/AppKit/NSToolbar.h:81: warning: or 
`-(id)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier'
GSMemoryPanel.m:218: warning: multiple methods named `-initWithIdentifier:' 
../Headers/AppKit/NSTableColumn.h:53: warning: could be using 
../Headers/AppKit/NSToolbar.h:81: warning: or 
`-(id)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier'
GSMemoryPanel.m:223: warning: multiple methods named `-initWithIdentifier:' 
../Headers/AppKit/NSTableColumn.h:53: warning: could be using 
../Headers/AppKit/NSToolbar.h:81: warning: or 
`-(id)initWithIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier'
GSMemoryPanel.m: In function `-[GSMemoryPanel reorder:]':

GSMemoryPanel.m:415: warning: multiple methods named `-identifier' found
../Headers/AppKit/NSTableColumn.h:58: warning: could be using `-(id)identifier'
../Headers/AppKit/NSToolbar.h:80: warning: or `-(NSString *)identifier'
 Compiling file GSSlideView.m ...
 Compiling file GSTextStorage.m ...
 Compiling file GSTrackingRect.m ...
 Compiling file GSServicesManager.m ...
 Compiling file tiff.m ...
 Compiling file externs.m ...
 Compiling file linking.m ...
linking.m: In function `__objc_gui_linking':

linking.m:7: warning: no interface seen for `GSFontInfo'
linking.m:7: warning: receiver of type `GSFontInfo' may not respond to `+class'
 Compiling file GSFontInfo.m ...
 Compiling file GSTable.m ...
 Compiling file GSHbox.m ...
 Compiling file GSVbox.m ...
 Compiling file GSKeyBindingAction.m ...
 Compiling file GSKeyBindingTable.m ...
 Compiling file NSTextView.m ...
NSTextView.m: In function `-[NSTextView insertText:]':

NSTextView.m:1662: warning: multiple methods named `-insertText:' found for 
receiver of type `NSTextView'
../Headers/AppKit/NSInputManager.h:54: warning: could be using 
../Headers/AppKit/NSResponder.h:147: warning: or `-(void)insertText:(NSString 
NSTextView.m: At top level:

NSTextView.m:2265: warning: incomplete implementation of class `NSTextView'
NSTextView.m:2265: warning: method definition for `-selectedRange' not found
NSTextView.m:2265: warning: class `NSTextView' does not fully implement the 
`NSTextInput' protocol
NSTextView.m: In function `-[NSTextView(leftovers) changeSpelling:]':

NSTextView.m:3410: warning: multiple methods named `-insertText:' found for 
receiver of type `NSTextView'
../Headers/AppKit/NSInputManager.h:54: warning: could be using 
../Headers/AppKit/NSResponder.h:147: warning: or `-(void)insertText:(NSString 
NSTextView.m:3410: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a receiver 
type, one
NSTextView.m:3410: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
NSTextView.m: In function `-[NSTextView(leftovers) 

NSTextView.m:3498: warning: multiple methods named `-insertText:' found for 
receiver of type `NSTextView'
../Headers/AppKit/NSInputManager.h:54: warning: could be using 
../Headers/AppKit/NSResponder.h:147: warning: or `-(void)insertText:(NSString 
 Compiling file NSTextView_actions.m ...
NSTextView_actions.m: In function `-[NSTextView(user) actions:insertNewline:]':

NSTextView_actions.m:523: warning: multiple methods named `-insertText:' found 
for receiver of type `NSTextView'
../Headers/AppKit/NSInputManager.h:54: warning: could be using 
../Headers/AppKit/NSResponder.h:147: warning: or `-(void)insertText:(NSString 
NSTextView_actions.m:523: warning: (When multiple prototypes are found for a 
receiver type, one
NSTextView_actions.m:523: warning: of them will be picked randomly (but 
NSTextView_actions.m: In function `-[NSTextView(user) actions:insertTab:]':

NSTextView_actions.m:534: warning: multiple methods named `-insertText:' found 
for receiver of type `NSTextView'
../Headers/AppKit/NSInputManager.h:54: warning: could be using 
../Headers/AppKit/NSResponder.h:147: warning: or `-(void)insertText:(NSString 
 Compiling file GSLayoutManager.m ...
 Compiling file GSTypesetter.m ...
 Compiling file GSHorizontalTypesetter.m ...
 Compiling file GSNibTemplates.m ...
 Compiling file NSPasteboard.m ...
NSPasteboard.m: In function `-[GSFiltered pasteboard:provideDataForType:]':

NSPasteboard.m:663: warning: 'info' might be used uninitialized in this function
NSPasteboard.m:803: warning: 'd' might be used uninitialized in this function
NSPasteboard.m: In function `+[NSPasteboard pasteboardByFilteringData:ofType:]':

NSPasteboard.m:1088: warning: receiver of type `GSFiltered' may not respond to 
NSPasteboard.m: In function `+[NSPasteboard pasteboardByFilteringFile:]':

NSPasteboard.m:1121: warning: receiver of type `GSFiltered' may not respond to 
NSPasteboard.m: In function `+[NSPasteboard 

NSPasteboard.m:1151: warning: receiver of type `GSFiltered' may not respond to 
 Linking library libgnustep-gui ...
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Source'
Making all in Images...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Images'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Images'
Making all in Model...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Model'
Making all for bundle libgmodel...
 Creating libgmodel.bundle/....
 Compiling file IMCustomObject.m ...
 Compiling file IMConnectors.m ...
 Compiling file IMLoading.m ...
 Compiling file GMAppKit.m ...
GMAppKit.m: In function `-[NSPopUpButton(GMArchiverMethods) 

GMAppKit.m:1020: warning: multiple methods named `-target' found
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSInvocation.h:66: warning: 
could be using `-(id)target'
/opt/GNUstep/System/Library/Headers/Foundation/NSProtocolChecker.h:50: warning: 
or `-(NSObject *)target'
GMAppKit.m:1020: warning: (Messages matching multiple method prototypes
GMAppKit.m:1020: warning: will be assumed to return `id' and accept
GMAppKit.m:1020: warning: `...' as arguments.)
 Compiling file GMArchiver.m ...
 Linking bundle libgmodel ...
 Creating libgmodel.bundle/Resources...
 Creating libgmodel.bundle/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Model'
Making all in Tools...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Tools'
Making all for app md5Digest...
 Creating md5Digest.app/....
 Compiling file md5Digest.m ...
 Linking app md5Digest ...
 Creating md5Digest.app/Resources...
 Creating md5Digest.app/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
 Creating md5Digest.app/Resources/md5Digest.desktop...
Making all for tool make_services...
 Compiling file make_services.m ...
 Linking tool make_services ...
Making all for tool set_show_service...
 Compiling file set_show_service.m ...
 Linking tool set_show_service ...
Making all for tool gopen...
 Compiling file gopen.m ...
 Linking tool gopen ...
Making all for service example...
 Creating example.service/....
 Compiling file example.m ...
 Linking service example ...
 Creating example.service/Resources...
 Creating example.service/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
Making all for service GSspell...
 Creating GSspell.service/....
 Compiling file GSspell.m ...
 Linking service GSspell ...
 Creating GSspell.service/Resources...
 Creating GSspell.service/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Tools'
Making all in Panels...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Panels'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Panels'
Making all in PrinterTypes...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/PrinterTypes'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/PrinterTypes'
Making all in TextConverters...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/TextConverters'
Making all in RTF...
make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/TextConverters/RTF'
Making all for bundle RTFConverter...
 Creating RTFConverter.bundle/....
 Compiling file rtfGrammer.tab.c ...
 Compiling file rtfScanner.c ...
 Compiling file RTFConsumer.m ...
 Compiling file RTFProducer.m ...
 Linking bundle RTFConverter ...
 Creating RTFConverter.bundle/Resources...
 Creating RTFConverter.bundle/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/TextConverters/RTF'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/TextConverters'
Making all in ColorPickers...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/ColorPickers'
Making all for bundle StandardPicker...
 Creating StandardPicker.bundle/....
 Compiling file GSStandardColorPicker.m ...
 Compiling file GSRGBColorPicker.m ...
 Compiling file GSCMYKColorPicker.m ...
 Compiling file GSHSBColorPicker.m ...
 Compiling file GSGrayColorPicker.m ...
 Linking bundle StandardPicker ...
 Creating StandardPicker.bundle/Resources...
 Creating StandardPicker.bundle/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
 Copying resources into the bundle wrapper...
 Copying localized resources into the bundle wrapper...
Making all for bundle NamedPicker...
 Creating NamedPicker.bundle/....
 Compiling file GSNamedColorPicker.m ...
 Linking bundle NamedPicker ...
 Creating NamedPicker.bundle/Resources...
 Creating NamedPicker.bundle/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
 Copying resources into the bundle wrapper...
Making all for bundle WheelPicker...
 Creating WheelPicker.bundle/....
 Compiling file GSWheelColorPicker.m ...
 Linking bundle WheelPicker ...
 Creating WheelPicker.bundle/Resources...
 Creating WheelPicker.bundle/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist...
 Copying resources into the bundle wrapper...
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/ColorPickers'
Making all in KeyBindings...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/KeyBindings'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/KeyBindings'
Making all in Resources...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Resources'
make[1]: Nothing to be done for `all'.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Resources'
Making all in Documentation...
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Documentation'
Making all for doc Gui...
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `internal-doc-all'.
Making all for doc GuiAdditions...
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `internal-doc-all'.
Making all for doc GuiUser...
make[2]: Nothing to be done for `internal-doc-all'.
Making all for textdoc INSTALL...
makeinfo -D NO-TEXI2HTML -D TEXT-ONLY --no-header --no-split  \
        -o INSTALL install.texi
Making text file `INSTALL' from `install.texi'.
Making all for textdoc NEWS...
makeinfo -D NO-TEXI2HTML -D TEXT-ONLY --no-header --no-split  \
        -o NEWS news.texi
Making text file `NEWS' from `news.texi'.
Making all for textdoc README...
makeinfo -D NO-TEXI2HTML -D TEXT-ONLY --no-header --no-split  \
        -o README readme.texi
Making text file `README' from `readme.texi'.
Making all for textdoc ANNOUNCE...
makeinfo -D NO-TEXI2HTML -D TEXT-ONLY --no-header --no-split  \
        -o ANNOUNCE announce.texi
Making text file `ANNOUNCE' from `announce.texi'.
Making all for textdoc BUGS...
makeinfo -D NO-TEXI2HTML -D TEXT-ONLY --no-header --no-split  \
        -o BUGS todo.texi
Making text file `BUGS' from `todo.texi'.
make -C ../Source -f DocMakefile
make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Source'
cp ../Documentation/Gui/Gui.gsdoc .
cp ../Documentation/GuiAdditions/GuiAdditions.gsdoc .
Making all for doc Gui...
 Creating Gui...
 Generating reference documentation...
2003-08-31 22:26:05.702 autogsdoc[14831] Non-block element 'desc' in block ...
2003-08-31 22:26:13.134 autogsdoc[14831] Location of class 'NSConnection' 
(referenced from NSPasteboard) not found or not unique.
2003-08-31 22:26:13.147 autogsdoc[14831] Location of class 'NSConnection' 
(referenced from NSPasteboard) not found or not unique.
2003-08-31 22:26:13.147 autogsdoc[14831] Location of class 'NSPort' (referenced 
from NSPasteboard) not found or not unique.
2003-08-31 22:26:13.160 autogsdoc[14831] Location of class 'NSConnection' 
(referenced from NSPasteboard) not found or not unique.
2003-08-31 22:26:13.161 autogsdoc[14831] Location of the NSUserDefaults version 
of method '-registerDefaults:' (referenced from NSPasteboard) not found.
2003-08-31 22:26:17.669 autogsdoc[14831] Location of the NSView version of 
method '-dealloc' (referenced from NSView) not found.
2003-08-31 22:26:18.413 autogsdoc[14831] Location of the NSConnection version 
of method '+rootProxyForConnectionWithRegisteredName:host:' (referenced from 
NSWorkspace) not found.
touch Gui/stamp
Making all for doc GuiAdditions...
 Creating GuiAdditions...
 Generating reference documentation...
touch GuiAdditions/stamp
Making all for doc GuiUser...
 Creating GuiUser...
 Generating reference documentation...
touch GuiUser/stamp
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Source'
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/gstep/core/gui/Documentation'
#include <Foundation/NSAutoreleasePool.h>
#include <Foundation/NSDictionary.h>
#include <Foundation/NSString.h>
#include <Foundation/NSValue.h>

int main(int argc,char **argv)
        NSAutoreleasePool *arp=[[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
        NSDictionary *d;

        d=[NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys:
                [NSObject new],[NSString stringWithCString: "foo"],
                [NSObject new],[NSNumber numberWithInt: 5],



        return 0;

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