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Gorm Progress 09/12/2003

From: Gregory John Casamento
Subject: Gorm Progress 09/12/2003
Date: Fri, 12 Sep 2003 19:53:53 -0700 (PDT)

Hey all,

Just thought I would give a little bit of a heads up on Gorm's status.   Gorm
has stabilized over the past few weeks and there is now time to start working
on some additional improvements which have been waiting in the wings for a

1) Splitview orientation should be determined positionally...
2) Key remapping of functions withing Gorm itself.
3) Standalone views
4) DocumentController/Document architecture
5) More intercommunication with PC.app

While none of these are critical to have in Gorm right away, I believe that
they are important since they make the application easier to use.

Please let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Thanks, GJC

Gregory John Casamento
-- bheron on #gnustep, #linuxstep, & #gormtalk ----------------
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--- Main Developer of Gorm (featured in April Linux Journal) ---

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