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X Platform

From: Matthew Weinstein
Subject: X Platform
Date: Fri, 26 Sep 2003 12:28:20 -0400

It is possible, but it's not easy; I'm in the middle of moving an app to Linux from OSX. I suspect if you start with the intention to build XPLatform it will help; I'd use renaissance which walks you through creating a xPlatform app pretty well.

Otherwise you'll need to create a separate interface with GORM on linux (if you start with osx). It's not quite as complete as interface builder, though getting there! This has the advantage of a lot of control. I know that when I started redesigning the menus I concluded that for the Linux platform I wanted things slightly differently.

I also found the widget set to be slightly different. Small buttons for instance aren't supported (at least in Gorm).

You'll also find some methods missing... Toolbars seem to work differently.

Again, if I were starting from scratch I'd use Renaissance. (BTW: How is development coming on GUI tools for Renaissance?)

Matthew Weinstein
Associate Professor of Science Education
Kent State University

404D White Hall
Kent, OH 44242



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