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Renaissance and XAML

From: Chris Hanson
Subject: Renaissance and XAML
Date: Wed, 5 Nov 2003 20:15:58 -0600

Has anyone else noticed the striking resemblance that Microsoft's "XAML" and Avalon human interface framework for Longhorn bear to GNUstep Renaissance?

Modulo the fact that Microsoft expects people to "compile" XAML into C# code, and doesn't do target-action...

Chris Hanson, bDistributed.com, Inc.  |  Email: cmh@bDistributed.com
Outsourcing Vendor Evaluation         |  Phone: +1-847-372-3955
Custom Mac OS X Development           |  Fax:   +1-847-589-3738
http://bdistributed.com/              |  Personal Email: cmh@mac.com

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