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Re: gnustep smb library

From: Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf
Subject: Re: gnustep smb library
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2003 19:31:31 +0100

On 03.12.2003 17:45:36 Enrico Sersale wrote:
>I'm writing a smb client library, based on libsmbclient, that offers a 
>NSFileManager and NSFileHandle like API.
>It is already working and will be done in about a week.
>I'd want to know:
>- if I can put it in dev-libs.
>- if yes, which name must I give to it, to avoid discussions about "GS" 
>prefixes :-).

How about SMBKit? There is a habbit in the ObjC/*step scene of naming 
frameworks <SomeName>Kit, think of the MiscKit or the MusicKit. 

By the way nobody "vill cut off your johnson" if you name classes 
GS<SomeClassName> as long as this particular classes 
belong to GNUstep. The GS prefix acts here as namespace that is common to 
all classes of the framework. MusicKit for instance uses the prefix MK. 
Because of the lack of a "real" namespace system in ObjC (like the package 
system of Java) this is the only way to avoid naming conflicts. But what 
is good and proved for Computers should not be forced on Humans. 
Application Names like GSSomeThing don't really make sense especially if 
the application in Question is only _for_ GNUstep (and thereby also suited 
for Cocoa) but not part of it. Enough education for today, I step back 
from my role as teacher ;-) and suggest you to use SMBK as prefix for your 
classes (or is SK still available?)

>Actually, it is in a directory named "gssamba" and it is installed as 

greetings, Lars

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