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Re: GSCUPS and GNUstep Printing

From: Chad Hardin
Subject: Re: GSCUPS and GNUstep Printing
Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2004 22:43:21 -1000

Ah, yes.  It sure does.

To keep things simple the GSLPR.printing Bundle will be exactly like how GNUstep printing is right now. All the NSPrinting.* and NSPageLayout.* will mostly be "subclassResponsibility" implementations.

My first patch will only have the GSLPR.printing bundle. When that works I will start on the GSCUPS.printing.bundle and submit a second patch

Finally, since the Panels for GSCUPS.printing are *much* better than the current GNUstep panels (I have already worked on them), I may use it to improve the GSLPR.printing Bundle's panels.

One question, if there ever is a Win32.printing Bundle, do you think it would be more proper for it to use Gorm panels or the Win32 API to utilize Window's own version of a printer dialog box? Just curious.


On Jun 14, 2004, at 12:50 PM, Adam Fedor wrote:

On Jun 11, 2004, at 8:06 PM, Chad Hardin wrote:

I'm a bit confused about something in the PageLayout GORM Panel. In there there is a "Layout" option for selecting how many pages to print per sheet of paper. I think this option is best kept in the actual print panel. In fact, it already is in tha panel. Also, I can't think of a single app which is actually using the NSPageLayout class and panel, why is that?

 Ink.app does (gnustep-examples).

The print panels were modeled roughly after the NEXTSTEP panels, so they probably could be updated to work better with CUPS.

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