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Re: spatial finder

From: Dennis Leeuw
Subject: Re: spatial finder
Date: Wed, 16 Jun 2004 13:15:13 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040413 Debian/1.6-5

Larry Coleman wrote:
--- Björn_Giesler <giesler@ira.uka.de> wrote:

Most people using Nautilus (or Linux, for that
matter) are geeks and proto-geeks. This class of people has notoriously little knowledge of good UI design.

My experience in nine years developing software for a
living is that users have even less knowledge of good
UI design.

What works best for me is determining what users need,
as opposed to what they say they want, and giving them
that instead.

It would be nice if I could have a folder where I can save my documents and give the meta-data the information about the subject of the document, and to whom I would like to present it and that as soon as I hit the save button it is send and stored. And I would also like another folder that holds some files where the meta-data holds the information who created that document and what the subject is.

Or am I now talking imap :)


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                        --- Sam Levenson

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