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Re: GSMake intermediates in separate folder?

From: Nicola Pero
Subject: Re: GSMake intermediates in separate folder?
Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 15:37:51 +0000 (GMT)

> > Where did you find 'DERIVED_SRC' ?  Googling for it it seems that it's the
> > name used in the Apple make system for that stuff so I presume you copied
> > it from there ?
> It went like this: I specified:
>    GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR = build
> and made my GNUmakefile. The result was everything neatly stuffed in the 
> "build" folder, except for a "derived_src" folder that stayed outside. 
> So I googled a bit and came up with the DERIVED_SRC thing, which caused 
> that folder to properly hide itself inside "build" as well.

Did it ?  Hmm.  Confusing.  Where did you specify GNUSTEP_BUILD_DIR = ...?

Can you send me enough information for me to reproduce the problem ?  
That would be best as once I reproduce it I can fix it.  If I can't
reproduce it the only way to fix it is to have detailed logs where I can
follow what's happening and where it goes wrong.

Useful information is -

 * the GNUmakefile(s) you are using (the entire project if you don't mind 
me looking at it)

 * the exact command-line / shell environment you have

 * the output of 'make -d messages=yes ...' (where ... is for the
additional variables you are using)

 * the output of 'make -v'

 * the output of 'make -p | grep GNUSTEP_MAKE_VERSION | uniq'

 * any other useful information you think might be relevant ...

Just don't send all that stuff to the discuss-gnustep@gnu.org list :-) --
send it to me and/or bug-gnustep@gnu.org.


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