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Re: harsh and constructive comments on UI

From: Nicolas Roard
Subject: Re: harsh and constructive comments on UI
Date: Mon, 14 Feb 2005 14:26:02 +0000

Le 14 févr. 05, à 13:24, Jesse Ross a écrit :

I like the design of:


I don't think any of your comments were harsh -- many others feel exactly
the same way and do not want to see the theme changed. I don't blame
anyone for having a fondness for the current theme (I'm the same way with
the classic Mac Platinum look -- it's what I grew up on). I just think
that there are many users who probably don't look past GNUstep's
appearance and then write it all off as outdated. This is really
unfortunate, since it's a very powerful toolkit and provides great user
interface components.

I would like to see GNUstep get some more mindshare and marketshare, and improving the first appearance people have of GNUstep is one way that that
can be done, and one place where I can help using the skills I have.

Yes, but I think that technically it's not a problem to create new themes; The only problem then is to have an easy way to change themes. Well, it's not exactly complex with Camaelon, and with a pref module it would be even easier. Of course, from a marketing point of view, it will probably be good to have a section on gnustep.org showing "themed" screenshots, etc.

Nicolas Roard
"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
 -Arthur C. Clarke

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