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MS Windows and Threads [was: readInBackgroundAndNotify && Windows]

From: Marc Brünink
Subject: MS Windows and Threads [was: readInBackgroundAndNotify && Windows]
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 12:03:25 +0100


after some hours of research my overall impression is, that gnustep threads support is heavily broken on Windows 2000. Could someone *please* prove me wrong? :-)

I used the windows installer to install gnustep. Perhaps I should compile it for myself, so gnustep is able to use some sort of windows 2000 specific things !??
I think I'll give it a try.


On Thursday, February 17, 2005, at 09:12 PM, Marc Brünink wrote:

Hi List,

I'm trying to use readInBackgroundAndNotify on a Windows 2000 machine. But I keep on getting an error message which is complaining about access rights on the socket.
The exact error is:
"Der Zugriff auf einen Socket war aufgrund der Zugriffsrechte des Sockets unzulässig

My Code is something like that:
NSFileHandle *fh = [NSFileHandle fileHandleForReadingAtPath: @"COM3"];
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:test selector:@selector(call:) name:NSFileHandleReadCompletionNotification object: fh];
[fh readInBackgroundAndNotify];

I stumbled across SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES on
Is this somehow related?

Thanks for your help.
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