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StepTalk rocks

From: Matthew D Swank
Subject: StepTalk rocks
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2005 15:51:08 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20050209)

Though StepTalk does fully support user defined objects with state yet, I was able to write a full fledged (if rudimentary) GNUstep app (taken from the gs-tutorial project):

|object engine|
Environment loadModule:'AppKit'.
Environment includeFramework:'StepTalkLocalLib'.

"object := STScriptObject scriptObject."
object := STExtendedScriptObject alloc
   initWithInstanceVariableArray: #('window' 'label' 'menu').
object setEnvironment: Environment.

engine := STEngine engineForLanguageWithName:'Smalltalk'.

object  addMethod:
   (engine methodFromSource:
       'applicationWillFinishLaunching: notification

          window := NSWindow alloc
                                 (STLLUtil makeRectX:300
                             backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered
                             defer: YES.
          window setTitle:\'Hello World\'.

          label := NSTextField alloc
                               initWithFrame:(STLLUtil makeRectX:30
          label setSelectable:NO.
          label setBezeled:NO.
          label setDrawsBackground:NO.
          label setStringValue:\'Hello World\'.
window contentView addSubview: label. menu := NSMenu new.
          menu addItemWithTitle: \'Info\'
                         action: nil
                  keyEquivalent: \'\'.

          menu addItemWithTitle: \'Hide\'
                         action: #hide:
                  keyEquivalent: \'h\'.

          menu addItemWithTitle: \'Quit\'
                         action: #terminate:
                  keyEquivalent: \'q\'.

          info := NSMenu new.
          (info addItemWithTitle: \'Info Panel...\'
                         action: #orderFrontStandardInfoPanel:
                  keyEquivalent: \'\') setTarget: self.

          info addItemWithTitle: \'Preferences\'
                         action: nil
                  keyEquivalent: \'\'.

          info addItemWithTitle: \'Help\'
                         action: #orderFrontHelpPanel:
                  keyEquivalent: \'?\'.

          menu setSubmenu: info
                        forItem: (menu itemWithTitle:\'Info\').

          application setMainMenu:menu.'
       forReceiver: object
       inEnvironment: Environment).

object  addMethod:
   (engine methodFromSource:
       'applicationDidFinishLaunching: notification
          window makeKeyAndOrderFront: self.'
       forReceiver: object
       inEnvironment: Environment).

object  addMethod:
   (engine methodFromSource:
       'applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed: application
       forReceiver: object
       inEnvironment: Environment).

object  addMethod:
   (engine methodFromSource:
       'orderFrontStandardInfoPanel: sender
         "STLLUtil log:\'orderFrontStandardInfoPanel fired\'."
         application orderFrontStandardInfoPanelWithOptions:
                         (NSDictionary alloc
       forReceiver: object
       inEnvironment: Environment).

application := NSApplication sharedApplication.
application setDelegate: object.
application run.

StepTalkLocalLib is just a small framework that wraps some utility functions and provides a few simple methods to support the existing instance variable infrastructure in STScriptObject.

I'm not sure why, but StepTalk is addictively fun.


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