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ANN: TalkSoup 1.0alpha

From: Andrew Ruder
Subject: ANN: TalkSoup 1.0alpha
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 2005 03:10:53 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

Hey all,

I just released TalkSoup 1.0alpha.  The GNUstep version is quite stable
and has very few issues.  The OS X release, unfortunately, is a bit hard
to do without really owning a Mac ;) so it has a few quirks still.

 * Full OS X support
 * Massively reorganized and cleaned up GNUstepOutput plugin
 * Several new plugins and fixes to those that already existed
 * Much more configurable via the new preferences panel
 * Enormous (extremely noticeable) speed increase
 * Lots of misc fixes: background DNS, /exec command, and tons of
   other neat stuff.

If you find bugs or have additional feature requests, -please- submit
them to the bugs database on:


I am especially interested in finding someone to help with the OS X
portions of TalkSoup.  If you are interested, please send me an e-mail.

Have fun, and feedback is encouraged and listened to! Special thanks go
out to Aaron Glenn, Matt Rice, Rob Burns, Frederico Munoz, Dale
Anderson, and the countless others that have provided constant feedback,
use of TalkSoup, and/or other sources of help.  Without you TalkSoup
could have never happened.  Thank you to all.

Andrew Ruder

Andrew Ruder <aeruder@ksu.edu>

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