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Re: debuging help (on Windows)

From: Sheldon Gill
Subject: Re: debuging help (on Windows)
Date: Thu, 02 Feb 2006 12:10:47 +0800
User-agent: Thunderbird 1.5 (Windows/20051201)

Lloyd Dupont wrote:
Lloyd Dupont wrote:

First, is your non-GNUstep code entirely .NET? Otherwise memory debugging for this would help. It could be this code is trashing GNUstep memory.
Yep it is!
(except for a ManagedC++ module (which manage GNUstep binding)) but even after checking many time, it still looks allright....

Ah! Then you need to instrument your managed C++ code. It is handling the Objective-C invocations from C# right?

Looking alright and actually being alright are two different things ;)

Second, Unit testing should exercise your code vigourously and may help identify the cause or at least narrow it.

Mhh... there is a problem here.
a pseudo code like that
NSAutoreleasePool  *p = [[NSAutoreleasePool alloc] init];
[[NMFIleIO loadFile: @"aFileName"] autorelease];
[p release];

work well on the command line but crash (invalid memory access) on p.Relase() in .NET.

Ah. I'd need to see the code to be of more help here. I'd guess you've a pointer handling problem in the binding. An invalid memory access here would seem to me that you're calling p with an invalid reference.

I'd look at your C# object and Objective-C objects being out of synch.

The problem is LoadFile is huge.....
It looks like a bug in my binding but, heck, I looked again and again unsucesfuly so it's why I would like some tool help, or a way to get extra information (such as the Zombie stuff)...

Third, I've always found DesignByContract very helpful. Assert everything, everywhere as far as possible.

A bit difficult, the ObjectiveC code is huge, is not mine, and we have no fcode sharing solution in place (:-(

What fcode sharing do you think should be in place?

I complained a few times about that already...

Complaining won't get you far. Put up a considered proposal. Put forward code. Then it can be discussed and progressed if there is a consensus.

Fourth, look at NSDebug.h for more GNUstep memory debugging capabilities.

Is there any debugging tool (even commercial) I could use?

GDB may help. You might like to use Insight as a front-end.

GDB doesn't help because command line, ObjectiveC test seems to work fine.

I don't see why this is a limitation. You can attach gdb to your running application and debug away from there.

Alternatively, you may want to extend the debug support in SharpDevelop.

Thanks for your tips Sheldon!

You're welcome.


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