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gnustep-make with ObjC++

From: Yen-Ju Chen
Subject: gnustep-make with ObjC++
Date: Fri, 3 Mar 2006 13:58:29 -0800

Since GCC 4.1 supports ObjC++,
I think it's the time to ask this question:

I tried to compile PopplerKit with GNUmakefile on mac
which uses a C wrap around C++ so that the rest can be ObjC.
(ObjC -> C -> C++).
It compiles fine, but has problem for linking because the C++ code.
I tried to use .mm instead of .cc
and GNUmake-make complain .mm is not recognized.
So what would be the right way to compile ObjC++ with gnustep-make ?
Or is it mac-specific problem ?



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