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NSTableView issue

From: Andreas Höschler
Subject: NSTableView issue
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2006 14:09:46 +0200

Hello all,

I wondered why I could not select (Copy) a cell in a tableView in one of our apps. I finally found that thi sis due to

- (void) setDataSource: (id)anObject
  /* Used only for readability */
  const SEL sel_a = @selector (numberOfRowsInTableView:);
const SEL sel_b = @selector (tableView:objectValueForTableColumn:row:); const SEL sel_c = @selector(tableView:setObjectValue:forTableColumn:row:);
  if (anObject && [anObject respondsToSelector: sel_a] == NO)
        raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException
        format: @"Data Source doesn't respond to numberOfRowsInTableView:"];

  if (anObject && [anObject respondsToSelector: sel_b] == NO)
      [NSException raise: NSInternalInconsistencyException
                   format: @"Data Source doesn't respond to "

  _dataSource_editable = [anObject respondsToSelector: sel_c];

NSLog(@"setDataSource %@ %@ %d", anObject, NSStringFromSelector(sel_c), _dataSource_editable);
  /* We do *not* retain the dataSource, it's like a delegate */
  _dataSource = anObject;

  [self tile];
  [self reloadData];

_dataSource_editable being NO. I have not implemented tableView:setObjectValue:... in my data source, sincen I do not actually want ti edt the cells, but I wantto be able to select and copy from the columns I set to be editable. On MacOSX this works. A solution tomake this working on GNustep would be to implement the method in question and simply do nothing. But may be the SPEC sould be checked here. MacOSX at least behaves differently.



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