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Re: Some random thoughs and questions on the future of GNUstep

From: Riccardo
Subject: Re: Some random thoughs and questions on the future of GNUstep
Date: Sun, 1 Oct 2006 17:21:24 +0200


On Saturday, September 30, 2006, at 04:45 PM, Nikolaus Waxweiler wrote:

In conclusion, I think that CMake might become a viable alternative to
GNUstep Make. Does anyone beg to differ? Better alternatives? Keep
GNUstep Make? I see that the SideStep people use Autotools and a
customized jam called gsjam...

I might be old-fashioned, but I'd like to keep make. Make is proven on unix and that platform remains after all our main target. On windows we need gcc anyway... For a unix person, make is a reasonable way to work with and it is easy to package since people have experience with it. I don't see a big need for integration in other development environments in that "clunky" way of yet-another meta-tool, since we should have our own IDEs anyway. FUrthermore the integration with say ProjectCenter is yet another good thing of make. I dislike what apple did with the macosx transition of projectbuilder: the removal of make.

Thus I am not saying that cmake is crap, but that make is more apt to us. On the other side some issues you stir up against gnustep-make are really present: maintaineance! Also the current usage pf p2link causes possible troubles when making and installing with "sudo".


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