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Re: View hierarchy problem

From: Andreas Höschler
Subject: Re: View hierarchy problem
Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 20:01:53 +0200


I have an application with a shelf view that has a bunch of subviews (icons representing applications). In windowDidBecomeKey: I reload the shelf, meaning that I do removeFromSuperviewWithoutNeedingDisplay for all these subviews and then rebuild the shelf (recreate all the subviews). Doubleclicking on one of these subviews launches or activates the represented application.

From time to time I get a core dump when doubleclicking from one app to the next on the shelf. By backtracing I found out that

        [NSWindow makeFirstResponder:];

is called with a previoulsy removed (and released) view (one of the views that have been recreated earlier in windowDidBecomeKey:). Here is a pseudo backtrace of this

        [NSWindow makeFistResponder:]  <--------
        [NSWindow sendEvent:];
        [NSApplication sendEvent:]
        [NSApplication run]

I realized some code in [NSView removeSubview:] that is obviously meant to remove the to be removed view from the view hierachy, but it is nevertheless referenced and used by an event coming in after its removal.

I have worked around this problem in my app now by doing the refresh 0.1 after the mouse click.

- (void)windowDidBecomeKey:(NSNotification *)aNotification
// we load the shelf with some delay to work around a bug in GNUstep. When the mouseDown: event reaches the window, // the location of the event is used to dermine the subview with hitTest. This search is somehow forwarded to // GSDecorationView which returns a view that is no longer in the view hierachy (has been removed)!! Aua! [self performSelector:@selector(loadShelf) withObject:nil afterDelay:0.1];

But there seems to be a minor issue in gui. This should work without the delay (actually does on MacOSX). But it's probably not worth to burn dev resources with minor stuff like this right now. Up to more important stuff! :-)

Best wishes,


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