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Re: IMPORTANT: Materials for SCALE... need the old FOSDEM handouts and b

From: Gregory John Casamento
Subject: Re: IMPORTANT: Materials for SCALE... need the old FOSDEM handouts and brocures..
Date: Sun, 1 Feb 2009 11:35:18 -0800 (PST)

I would like the text to emphasize the fact that we're going more for Cocoa now than for OpenStep.   Although we will always be OpenStep compatible, for *marketing* purposes, we want to emphasize our strengths in the Cocoa arena.   

Very savvy developers will understand that OpenStep is the predecessor of Cocoa... but, most will see the word OpenStep and assume "dead and static."

I'm going to rewrite some of the text for these and, hopefully, we can update some of the images as well.

Gregory Casamento -- Principal Consultant - OLC, Inc
# GNUstep Chief Maintainer

From: Jesse Ross <gnustep@jesseross.com>
To: Discuss GNUstep <discuss-gnustep@gnu.org>
Sent: Sunday, February 1, 2009 11:30:10 AM
Subject: Re: IMPORTANT: Materials for SCALE... need the old FOSDEM handouts and brocures..

On Feb 1, 2009, at 10:22 AM, Nicolas Roard wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 1, 2009 at 3:34 PM, hns@computer.org <hns@computer.org> wrote:
>> On 1 Feb., 03:06, Jesse Ross <gnus...@jesseross.com> wrote:
>>>> I need to see if I can get hold of the materials that were created
>>>> for FOSDEM a few years ago.
>>>> I would like to update them and use them when I go to SCALE..
>>>> Does anyone know where the original source files for this stuff is?
>>>> If not I can create something myself, but I would like something to
>>>> start from, if possible.
>>> Here is the PDF I made for GNUstep during the 2007 FOSDEM... if you
>>> want me to modify it, I certainly can. Just get me the updated text
>>> and/or images.
>>> http://jesseross.com/clients/gnustep/fosdem/2007/fosdem_a4.pdf
>>> Thanks!
>>> J.
>> At FOSDEM 2008 we did use these:
>> http://wiki.gnustep.org/index.php/Introduction_to_GNUstep
> Those two pdfs, along with jesse's 2007 updated booklet, are all we have.
> Frankly I'm unsure if it's worth printing them, considering we only
> have a developer room this time, and no booths.
> Maybe print some of the one-page brochure just to have some...
> (and maybe update the one-page brochure)
> Printing those would be easy and could even be done in Brussels.

Greg was asking for SCALE in California at the end of the month... but I could update the 1-page brochure with the new design and some new text for FOSDEM next weekend, if someone would be willing to provide me with the new text.


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