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gnustep software index

From: Sebastian Reitenbach
Subject: gnustep software index
Date: Sat, 21 Feb 2009 09:44:52 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.9

Hello everybody,

I just submitted my first app there, and I have some comments:

 * most of the names of input fields are intuitive and say enough, but I was 
wondering, what the supposed difference is between download and source URL. 

 * what actually should be entered in the device models field?

 * the maturity level I can choose between "alpha" and "beta", maybe there 
should be a "productive" too. Well, I chose alpha for my app, so no problem 
right now ;)

 * the captcha, was a bit tricky, I saw it, thought first, thats easy to read, 
and was then puzzled, when i submitted it, as it said, I haven't entered the 
right code. Maybe the text next to it, where it says I have to calculate the 
value, could be made more prominent?. As I'm from the lazy folks, I only read 
up to "please type in ..." and missed the rest in the first place ;) Besides 
that, is the captcha number always the same? I clicked multiple times on "New 
Entry" and got the same number there. When it is always the same, what's the 
purpose of the captcha?


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