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Re: Did not find correct version of backend (libgnustep-back-024.bundle)

From: Lundberg, Johannes
Subject: Re: Did not find correct version of backend (libgnustep-back-024.bundle),
Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2014 09:00:35 +0900

I think you need to
$ defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSBackend libgnustep-[back or cairo]

If I don't do this it doesn't work for me on FreeBSD..

Johannes Lundberg

On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 9:01 AM, Riccardo Mottola <rm@gnu.org> wrote:
Hello Edwin,

Edwin Ancaer wrote:
I verified and found the file lignustep-back-024.bundle.
Any idea what has gone wrong?  Some months ago I installed the same modules
(gnustep stable version) on another machine without problems.
A couple of ideas:
1) is this an update or fresh install? Updates should be fine, but sometimes they mess up
2) did you reall run "make install" for the back component?
3)how did you configure make? if you configured tranditionally, you need to source your environment. The backend is dynamically loaded
4) did you mess in the defaults writing a specific backend bundle?
5) do you have perhaps two backend versions laying around (see 1) ) if the old doesn't link properly and thus load, you can get this error. E.g. you might have one version in System, one in Local


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