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Unable to find backend gnustep-back Ubuntu 14.04

From: jimserac
Subject: Unable to find backend gnustep-back Ubuntu 14.04
Date: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 16:13:28 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

Gave another try at using Ubuntu, so Installed GNUStep using the instructions 
from Steven Schaub's post (see end of this post)

Everything seemed to compile and install fine but it cannot find the backend 
"back" when I compile a program such as GoMoku or GPuzzle.    I tried doing 
defaults write NSGlobalDomain GSBackend to try gnustep-back and to 
libgnustp-back but same results.

I looked at the config.logs but don't see anything setting this so....

what should it be ?

In fact, I don't see any config.logs for backend at all.  did I miss something ?


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