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[Dms-commit] Changes to gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt

From: Julien Gilli
Subject: [Dms-commit] Changes to gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt
Date: Sun, 28 Aug 2005 16:57:14 -0400

Index: gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt
diff -u gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt:1.7 
--- gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt:1.7      Sun Aug 28 20:32:42 2005
+++ gnomejournal/SoC/SoCInterviews.txt  Sun Aug 28 20:57:14 2005
@@ -1,28 +1,28 @@
-Google Summer of Code is over. It's time for us to unveil all the GNOME 
goodies that came out of it. In this article, you'll learn about streaming and 
sharing some music with your GAIM buddies, hiding your personal data from 
others  by encrypting folders in one click from nautilus, using your web cam 
and your head as an input device and much more !
+Google Summer of Code is over. It's time for us to unveil all the GNOME 
goodies that came out from it. In this article, you'll learn about streaming 
and sharing some music with your GAIM buddies, hiding your personal data from 
others  by encrypting folders in one click from nautilus, using your web cam 
and your head as an input device and much more !
-Google sponsored four hundred students to work on OpenSource projects like 
GNOME, Apache, PERL, and KDE during this summer. Students submitted 
applications to Google by the middle of June. Then mentors from the most active 
Open Source related organizations (Red Hat, The Perl Foundation, etc.) selected 
and mentored the ones that had the best potential. Of course, GNOME fans and 
mentors had a lot of ideas for students to work on.
+During this summer,  Google sponsored four hundred students to work on 
OpenSource projects like GNOME, Apache, PERL, and KDE. Students submitted 
applications to Google by the middle of June. Then mentors from the most active 
Open Source-friendly organizations (Red Hat, The Perl Foundation, etc.) 
selected and mentored the ones that had the best potential. Of course, GNOME 
fans and mentors had a lot of ideas for students to work on.
-The GNOME Foundation has mentored eleven students. They all worked on new 
features that, for the most part, have not been worked on before. By now, most 
of them have a working implementation of what was planned at the beginning of 
the summer. The projects' domains range from music sharing integrated to the 
desktop to live edition and version control of developer documentation. There's 
even a Firefox extension that will help you to share tips for mastering google 
+The GNOME Foundation has mentored eleven students. They all worked on new 
features that, for the most part, have not been worked on before. By now, most 
of them have a working implementation of what was planned at the beginning of 
the summer. The projects' topics range from music sharing integrated to the 
desktop to live edition and version control of developer documentation. There's 
even a Firefox extension that will help you to share tips for mastering google 
 Be sure to read on to know all about the new GNOME bits offered by this summer 
of code.
-On the music integration to the GNOME desktop side, two projects made their 
way through the Google application process : shared music spaces in Gaim and 
play lists sharing with RhythmBox. 
+As for music integration to the GNOME desktop, two projects made their way 
through the Google application process : shared music spaces in Gaim and play 
lists sharing with RhythmBox. 
-The first one was carried on by the very enthusiastic Raphael Slinckx. The 
initial plan was to allow people to stream music from and to their GAIM buddies 
in one click. As if it would not be enough to make it a must-have, "the project 
is a bit different from the submitted application proposal, especially 
concerning RhythmBox integration which was not planned initially.". As for now, 
"The application has reached a point where it works when the situation is 
perfect" You can see the result from his work in the following screenshots :
+The first one, called gShrooms, was carried on by Raphael Slinckx. The initial 
plan was to allow people to stream music from and to their GAIM buddies in one 
click. As if it would not be enough to make it a must-have, "the project is a 
bit different from the submitted application proposal, especially concerning 
RhythmBox integration which was not planned initially.", says Raphael. As for 
now, "The application has reached a point where it works when the situation is 
perfect" You can see the result from Raphael's work with the following 
screenshots :
 FIXME : screenshots
-The project is not finished yet. Raphael "plans to move to a better streaming 
protocol when Gstreamer will be ready, and improving aspects such as 
firewall/nat bypassing.". Indeed, the feature will only work "if you have a PC 
directly connected to
+The project is not finished yet. Raphael "plans to move to a better streaming 
protocol when Gstreamer will be ready, and  [to] improve aspects such as 
firewall/nat bypassing.". Indeed, the feature will only work "if you have a PC 
directly connected to
 Internet or a UPNP capable router, and no firewall.". He has been "astonished 
by the GNOME community", but found that "lacking, or even missing 
documentation", was one of the biggest problems he faced. Connect, push up the 
volume and share the music, it's as simple as it gets !
 Charles Schmidt has been responsible for giving the love needed to the birth 
of the second music related project. As he says, "It's not just RhythmBox being 
able to share playlists with iTunes, but also RB sharing its music to other RB 
clients on the network". At first,  he "had suggested doing this using a DAAP 
module for GNOME VFS.  So that you could hand GnomeVFS a URI like 
"daap://Lyndsey's music" and it would return a directory full of music.". But 
quickly enough, he "was convinced by others that the DAAP code should live 
inside RhythmBox, not in a GnomeVFS module.".
-So far, it "has definitely paid off", and he was able to "push out a patch 
last night that other people were able to get working". Charles doesn't want to 
stop here, he "definitely see himself continuing to work with the RhythmBox 
community to improve DAAP" and he's "thinking to tackle equalizer support 
next". Even if he says that "Time management is a skill [he is] still lacking", 
great things should be coming from him in the next weeks. Congrats !
+So far, it "has definitely paid off", and he was able to "push out a patch 
last night that other people were able to get working". Charles doesn't want to 
stop here, he "definitely see himself continuing to work with the RhythmBox 
community to improve DAAP" and he's "thinking to tackle equalizer support 
next". Even if he says that "Time management is a skill [he is] still lacking", 
great things should be coming from him in the next weeks. Stay tuned !
 The core of the GNOME desktop has received a lot of attention too. Our 
students pushed it to places where it hasn't been before. Mentored by Christian 
Kellner, John Manning hacked the GNOME VFS layer to bring you encrypted folder 
support out of the box.
-Every GNOME user uses applets. Travis Vachon and Havoc Pennington, well known 
for trying to put some simplicity into the GNOME desktop, worked on a easy way 
to setup and publish panel applets : the panel bundles. "eliminating the need 
to build tools and package maintainers was one of the main goals behind this 
project", says Travis.  So, even if he had "originally thought of the 
extensions as written in either C or Python. The major problem [with C] is that 
this would make it necessary to have build tools installed". Luckily, "Python 
is a whole lot more fun to write, and allows a developer to really focus on the 
neat stuff", says Travis.
-At first, Travis "had thought [he] would be creating a system to bundle up 
current panel applets for distribution.", however 
-"While many aspects of developing panel applets have carried over to the 
extension system, it is, indeed, a new system.". Nevertheless, "converting a 
current Python-coded applet to an extension is pretty simple, and will actually 
simplify the code". 
+Every GNOME user uses applets. Travis Vachon and Havoc Pennington (well known 
for trying to put some simplicity into the GNOME desktop) worked on a easy way 
to setup and publish panel applets : the panel bundles. "Eliminating the need 
to build tools and package maintainers was one of the main goals behind this 
project", says Travis.  So, even if he had "originally thought of the 
extensions as written in either C or Python. The major problem [with C] is that 
this would make it necessary to have build tools installed". Luckily, "Python 
is a whole lot more fun to write, and allows a developer to really focus on the 
neat stuff", says Travis.
+At first, he "thought [he] would be creating a system to bundle up current 
panel applets for distribution.". However 
+"while many aspects of developing panel applets have carried over to the 
extension system, it is, indeed, a new system.". Nevertheless, "converting a 
current Python-coded applet to an extension is pretty simple, and will actually 
simplify the code". 
 Bundles can already be used without any addition to the GNOME desktop because 
they "are currently being implemented through a container applet". However, 
proper integration into the panel is, according to him, "a decent distance 
 Travis has been "particularly impressed by PyGTK, and all of the related GNOME 
Python bindings". On the opposite, he says that "it would be nice to see [the 
panel] improved". Indeed, "one original idea for the project was to be able to 
click on a link to a bundle on the web site and have it appear somewhere on the 
panel immediately.". When he tried to accomplish this, "it turned out this 
wouldn't be possible with the current implementation of the panel".
 From now on, "there's a ton of work still to be done, from improving the 
panel_extension Python module to integrating things into the panel and 
translating things from Python to C to make them faster!".
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
-And now for something completely different, the usual suspects strike again, 
sharing of google searches thanks to a Firefox plug-in. 
+And now for something completely different, the usual suspects strike again 
with the sharing of Google searches thanks to a Firefox plug-in. 
 People often get stuck into unsuccessful Google searches. Sanford is now able 
to offer a way to overcome this situation. His Search Party Firefox extension 
allows you to share search tips with people from all over the world. Type your 
search on the Google web site, click on the "Join Search Party" toolbar button, 
and you are connected to an IRC-like server, being notified of other people's 
successful attempts at searching similar information. 
 The project takes the form of a Firefox extension on the client side. On the 
server side, Sanford had "initially intended to write the Search Party Protocol 
directly over TCP, and have a Java server somewhere that took care of matching 
up users with the proper chat room, ". However, he changed his plans when Seth 
Nickell "pointed out early on that this might make the extension unusable for 
those behind various firewalls", and chose XML-RPC. 
@@ -45,6 +45,6 @@
 It's now up to you to make good use from this effort. 
-Let Raphael have the final word. "Source code is your friend" and "GNOME rocks 
+Let Raphael have the final word : "Source code is your friend" and "GNOME 
rocks !".

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