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[Dolibarr-bugtrack] [bug #29520] Blank page after modifying customer inv

From: iago
Subject: [Dolibarr-bugtrack] [bug #29520] Blank page after modifying customer invoice
Date: Sun, 11 Apr 2010 18:23:40 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; es-ES; rv: Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 GTB7.0 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)


                 Summary: Blank page after modifying customer invoice 
                 Project: Dolibarr
            Submitted by: iagor
            Submitted on: dom 11 abr 2010 18:23:39 GMT
                Severity: 3 - Normal
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any
                 Release: 2.8.0
        Operating System: Microsoft Windows



Dolibarr version: 2.8.0
OS name and version: Windows XP
Web server name and version: Apache 2.2.15
PHP Version: 5.3.2
Database (Mysql) version: 5.1.45
Navigator: Firefox 3.6.3 or Internet Explorer 8
Step to reproduce bug: Modify one line of a customer supplier.

Modifying one line of a customer invoice (the quantity for example) it
modifies the line correctly with the new value but the navigator presents a
blank page after that. In the navigation bar the url showed is:
localhost:8080/dolibarr/htdocs/compta/facture.php#4 (is the fourth item in the

It also happens when I add one line to the invoice.

In Firefox it shows a blank page. In Internet Explorer shows a message of
page with errors (HTTP 500 internal error).

This is the log in syslog with debug after the commit of the modified line:

dolibarr facture COMMIT Transaction 
dolibarr facture Facture::Fetch sql=SELECT
f.datef as df, f.date_lim_reglement as dlr, f.datec as datec, f.date_valid as
datev, f.tms as datem, f.note, f.note_public, f.fk_statut, f.paye,
f.close_code, f.close_note, f.fk_user_author, f.fk_user_valid, f.model_pdf,
f.fk_facture_source, f.fk_mode_reglement, f.fk_cond_reglement, f.fk_projet,
p.code as mode_reglement_code, p.libelle as mode_reglement_libelle, c.code as
cond_reglement_code, c.libelle as cond_reglement_libelle, c.libelle_facture as
cond_reglement_libelle_doc, el.fk_source FROM llx_facture as f LEFT JOIN
llx_cond_reglement as c ON f.fk_cond_reglement = c.rowid LEFT JOIN
llx_c_paiement as p ON f.fk_mode_reglement = LEFT JOIN
llx_element_element as el ON el.fk_target = f.rowid AND el.targettype =
'facture' WHERE f.entity = 1 AND f.rowid=1 
dolibarr facture Facture::fetch_lines sql=SELECT l.rowid, l.fk_product,
l.description, l.product_type, l.price, l.qty, l.tva_tx,  l.remise,
l.remise_percent, l.fk_remise_except, l.subprice, l.date_start as date_start,
l.date_end as date_end, l.info_bits, l.total_ht, l.total_tva, l.total_ttc,
l.fk_code_ventilation, l.fk_export_compta, p.ref as product_ref,
p.fk_product_type as fk_product_type, p.label as label, p.description as
product_desc FROM llx_facturedet as l LEFT JOIN llx_product as p ON
l.fk_product = p.rowid WHERE l.fk_facture = 1 ORDER BY l.rang 
dolibarr facture Societe::fetch SELECT s.rowid, s.nom, s.entity, s.address,
s.datec as dc, s.prefix_comm, s.price_level, s.tms as date_update,,
s.fax,, s.url, s.cp, s.ville, s.note, s.client, s.fournisseur,
s.siren, s.siret, s.ape, s.idprof4,, s.tva_intra, s.fk_typent as
typent_id, s.fk_effectif as effectif_id, s.fk_forme_juridique as
forme_juridique_code, s.code_client, s.code_fournisseur, s.code_compta,
s.code_compta_fournisseur, s.parent, s.gencod, s.fk_departement, s.fk_pays,
s.fk_stcomm, s.remise_client, s.mode_reglement, s.cond_reglement, s.tva_assuj,
s.localtax1_assuj, s.localtax2_assuj, s.fk_prospectlevel, s.import_key,
fj.libelle as forme_juridique, e.libelle as effectif, p.code as pays_code,
p.libelle as pays, d.code_departement as departement_code, d.nom as
departement, st.libelle as stcomm, te.code as typent_code FROM llx_societe as
s LEFT JOIN llx_c_effectif as e ON s.fk_effectif = LEFT JOIN llx_c_pays
as p ON s.fk_pays = p.rowid LEFT JOIN llx_c_stcomm as st ON s.fk_stcomm = LEFT JOIN llx_c_forme_juridique as fj ON s.fk_forme_juridique = fj.code
LEFT JOIN llx_c_departements as d ON s.fk_departement = d.rowid LEFT JOIN
llx_c_typent as te ON s.fk_typent = WHERE s.rowid = 3 
dolibarr facture Facture::getSommePaiement sql=SELECT sum(amount) as amount
FROM llx_paiement_facture WHERE fk_facture = 1 
dolibarr facture DiscountAbsolute::getSumCreditNotesUsed sql=SELECT
sum(rc.amount_ttc) as amount FROM llx_societe_remise_except as rc, llx_facture
as f WHERE rc.fk_facture_source=f.rowid AND rc.fk_facture = 1 AND f.type = 2 
dolibarr facture DiscountAbsolute::getSumDepositsUsed sql=SELECT
sum(rc.amount_ttc) as amount FROM llx_societe_remise_except as rc, llx_facture
as f WHERE rc.fk_facture_source=f.rowid AND rc.fk_facture = 1 AND f.type = 3 


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