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[Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1536] Erreur SSL

From: Doliforge
Subject: [Dolibarr-bugtrack] [Bug #1536] Erreur SSL
Date: Sat, 19 Jul 2014 23:13:55 +0200

Ce message ne s'affiche pas correctement?
mettez à jour vos préférences utilisateur.

Erreur SSL

Dernières modifications

19/07/2014 23:13 (Europe/Paris)
You're probably right but I don't have other solution...
If Doibarr could let the user decide with a checkbox, that would be a better solution...



Last Modified On:  19/07/2014 23:00 Submitted by:  Nicolas (microniko)
Submitted on:  18/07/2014 12:55 
Summary:  Erreur SSL
Description:  J'obtiens l'erreur suivant en testant l'abonnement via le module Mailman :

51 SSL peer certificate or SSH remote key was not OK

Je pense que c'est car le certificat est signé par CaCert.

Il faudrait une option permettant d'ignorer les erreurs SSL. Merci.
Step to reproduce bug:  We already have this line of code

curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false);

into function callMailman.

Can you try to add

curl_setopt($cHandler, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);

Detected in version:  3.5.3 Category:  Module: Mailman and SPIP
Severity:  6 OS Type/Version:  Linux 3.2.0-4-686-pae #1 SMP Debian 3.2.60-1+deb7u1 i686
PHP version:  5.4.4-14+deb7u12 Database type and version:  PostgreSQL 8.4.17
Status:  Need more info Assigned to:  Aucun
Resolution:  Aucun 


Nicolas 19/07/2014 23:13
You're probably right but I don't have other solution...
If Doibarr could let the user decide with a checkbox, that would be a better solution...
Marcos García 19/07/2014 22:59
Not verifying a SSL certificate don't think it is the best option...
Nicolas 19/07/2014 17:12
J'ai ajouté la ligne suivante :
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false);

($ch et pas $cHandler)

et ça fonctionne. Merci beaucoup !

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