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[DotGNU]The Upcoming DotGNU & Jabber Meeting - address@hidden

From: Adam Theo
Subject: [DotGNU]The Upcoming DotGNU & Jabber Meeting - address@hidden
Date: Thu, 11 Oct 2001 05:23:59 -0400
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Hello, all.

Last Thursday and Friday were the scheduled days for the meeting(s), but I was having great computer trouble, so had to cancel it. This post is the official re-scheduling for this upcoming Friday.

There will only be one meeting, due to minimal interest in having a second for another time zone. If this meeting becomes a regular occurrance (which I'm now planning for every week at the same day & time), I'll take requests for having this second meeting when a good number of people will attend. Please send requests of times to address@hidden (email & jabber).

Friday, 7pm UTC/GMT (3pm US Central & 9pm Euro Central).

This is directly after the Jabber Foundation meeting (6pm UTC), so many Jabber users should be attending. To convert between time zones, try: .

IMPORTANT: The main meeting will take place in the *** address@hidden *** groupchat room. Note this is a different place than the original meeting, which took place on the server. I'm running the meeting on my own server out of concern the server may be too slow or difficult to connect to duting the afternoon, especially if there will be alot of people attending. This way, on, I can be sure of a speedy, reliable connection for everyone.

You do not need a Jabber account on '' is a fully qualified domain name, so any Jabber account can use it. You will, however, need a Jabber account. You can get one by downloading your choice of Jabber clients <> and registering an account with the server of your choice <> (such as my own public server ''). There is also a Jabber User's Guide to help you get started <>.

If you cannot download a client to create an account, you can email me with a desired username and password, and I will set up an account for you on my own '' server.

If you cannot download a client to attend the meeting but have access to Internet Explorer 5.5+, try out WebJab <>. I don't know if it supports groupchats, and it cannot set up a new Jabber account for you (only accepts existing accounts) so check it out before the time of the meeting to be sure it can be used to attend. If WebJab will not work for you and you might be able to install a perl console-based Jabber client built specifically for groupchat, try out sjabber <>.

If neither of these will do, then try to be in dotGNU's IRC channel on I will try to have some fast typists in the Jabber groupchat "translate" between the two rooms, to share information. Any volunteers for this role?

If still no success, then at the very least the meeting will be logged on the web. I'll post the URL near the time of the meeting. The log will be done in real-time, so people can at least "watch" it as it happens, even if they can't directly respond.

Here is a basic Agenda:

* Can Jabber be used for authentication or authorization in dotGNU? (I believe so, there is heavy discussion going on about all auth on the Jabber lists right now) * Can Jabber be used for inter-process communication in dotGNU's distributed computing? (I also believe so, and is in fact the first use that came to my mind when I first began the dotGNU/Jabber talks) * Can dotGNU and Jabber share a common winforms/webforms/guiforms specification? (I believe so, this is an incredibly important area for both technologies) * Could Jabber be modified to support the transfer of bytecode and other binary data? (Currently does not, but we could discuss how much work would be required) * Could Jabber provide registration and subscription infrastructure to dotGNU? (Yes, I think so. This was my second thought after the distributed computing one) * How could dotGNU help Jabber? (I know very little about the dotGNU architecture right now, so I'm not the one to bring this up.) * Can Jabber help dotGNU build a trust matrix/registry system if it needs one? (Hm... I don't know. Probably, but there are no signs Jabber is going to get around to this without more motivation) * Can Jabber provide a better addressing and location scheme? (I think JIDs and Jabber messages can work better than the RLS scheme. This could be discussed)

Any more topics to be brought up? We may not be able to get to all of this, which is why I want to make this a regular weekly thing. There is an archive of the first dotGNU/Jabber meeting <>. I suggest people read it, it has lots of good, juicy info in it.

And finally, I reccommend interested people to subscribe to the address@hidden mailing list <>. It is where announcements of new Jabber developments are posted to, and many may find them helpful to not only understand where Jabber is at, but how dotGNU can help. Also, the dotGNU address@hidden list is important for all dotGNU announcements <>. This will be good for Jabber folks to keep up on [:-)]

Thank you for your time, I hope to see many, many people there.

   /\    -- Adam Theo, Age 22, Tallahassee FL USA --
  //\\   Theoretic Solutions (
 /____\    "Software, Internet Services and Advocacy"
/--||--\ Personal Website (
   ||    Jabber Open IM (
   ||    Email & Jabber: address@hidden
   ||    AIM: AdamTheo2000   ICQ: 3617306   Y!: AdamTheo2
 "A free-market socialist computer geek patriotic American buddhist."

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