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[Dotgnu-libjit] Handling variable arguments

From: Aiden Nibali
Subject: [Dotgnu-libjit] Handling variable arguments
Date: Sat, 02 Oct 2010 07:28:06 +1000
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I really appreciate the work that has gone into libjit, and I
understand that you guys are probably very busy. However, I would
still really like some help in using varargs in order to improve my
Ruby bindings for libjit, libjit-ffi. I've spent hours looking through
the documentation and grepping through the source code for instances
of 'vararg', but to no avail.

Below is my (failed) attempt to generate and apply a variadic function:


  int main(int argc, char **argv)
      jit_context_t context;
      jit_function_t function;
      jit_type_t params[2], signature;
      jit_value_t x, y, tmp;
      jit_int arg1, arg2;
      void* args[2];
      jit_int result;

      context = jit_context_create();

    /* Create vararg signature with 1 fixed parameter */
      params[0] = jit_type_int;
      signature = jit_type_create_signature
          (jit_abi_vararg, jit_type_int, params, 1, 1);

      function = jit_function_create(context, signature);

      x = jit_value_get_param(function, 0);
      y = jit_value_get_param(function, 1); /*<-- Doesn't seem to work! */
      tmp = jit_insn_add(function, x, y);
      jit_insn_return(function, tmp);


      arg1 = 3;
      arg2 = 4;
      args[0] =&arg1;
      args[1] =&arg2;

      /* Create new signature */
      params[1] = jit_type_int;
      signature = jit_type_create_signature(jit_abi_cdecl,
jit_type_int, params, 2, 1);

      jit_function_apply_vararg(function, signature, args,&result);

      printf("3 + 4 = %d\n", (int)result);


      return 0;

Any ideas on where I went wrong? Are varargs even fully supported yet?
I could really do with some guidance.


PS Mailing lists drive me batty! :)

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