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[Dotgnu-libs-devel] bad language alien

From: Joyce Cantu
Subject: [Dotgnu-libs-devel] bad language alien
Date: Wed, 30 Aug 2006 15:57:16 -0700

But, as twilight came,they at last entered the final lap of the long journey. Oh, Miss Scarlett, de cellar wuz de fust place dey went.
The little boy sobbed, shrinking close to his nurse.
Soon it would be night and they would be alonein this desolation that was death.
Itll be good enough for this lady and for Pa. Whut chickens dey din eat right hyah dey cahiedoff cross dey saddles. Soun ter me lak her bag full an she need milkin bad, saidPrissy, regaining some measure of control. Stiffly, Scarlett climbed down from the seat, each movement ofagony of aching muscles. Stiffly, Scarlett climbed down from the seat, each movement ofagony of aching muscles. Stiffly, Scarlett climbed down from the seat, each movement ofagony of aching muscles.
Tellher to nurse Miss Melanies baby and do what she can for MissMelanie. Nuthin wrong wid this chile cept he hongry, and whut it take tofeed a hongry chile I got.
An dey hawses done et up all de mint an dey done brokeall de glasses. Miss Scarlett, you sho is de beatenes chile! A precious little you knewabout babies yesterday. She felt that the once-familiar woods were full of ghosts.
She tilted the dipper, drew a deep breath and drank swiftly.
She had circled through a plowed field for amile until the light of the fires died out behind her. We saw the smoke from Twelve Oaks, acrossthe river, before they came. Youre notknowing spirits and they will be making you tipsy.
But, of course, shed thought Rhett wouldtake care of them.

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