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[Dotgnu-sc] Re: address@hidden: [DotGNU] domain name]

From: Bradley M. Kuhn
Subject: [Dotgnu-sc] Re: address@hidden: [DotGNU] domain name]
Date: Mon, 29 Jul 2002 14:13:26 -0400
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

Norbert Bollow <address@hidden> wrote:
> The information below is correct (I have created a .ps file of
> the pay on the squatter's website).
> This sounds like the squatter does not want to cooperate after
> all, or perhaps wants to first try selling and only if that
> doesn't work, donate as promised.
> Since there is no time limit on how long it can take to "try selling", I
> think we should initiate proceedings under UDRP.
> There are three entities with reasonable chances of taking the domain
> from the squatter through UDRP: FSF, FreeDevelopers, and me personally.
> My proposal would be that FSF should try first.  If that fails, then ask
> FreeDevelopers to handle it based on their trademark on DotGNU.

FreeDevelopers doesn't have a trademark on DotGNU; it has a pending
trademark that is in dispute -- both with Cygnus' trademark on "GnuPRO"
and FSF's "GNU" trademark.

We have to clarify all these matters before we can go asserting the
trademarks, and I would like to wait out the trademark process as much as
we can; it helps our 'GNU' trademark if we do.

Thus, if possible, I would rather not enter proceedings under UDRP --
besides, who would pay for it?

   -- bkuhn

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