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[Visionaries] Random idea (analysis and design)

From: arbie address@hidden
Subject: [Visionaries] Random idea (analysis and design)
Date: Sat, 28 Jun 2003 05:45:07 -0700 (PDT)

After reading 'Free as in Freedom' by Sam Williams about Richard Stallman, I came across this idea. It is about Analysis and Design to be carried out with the help of a community of analysts, so that solutions and systems development would be faster than the conventional method, probably even with the help of casetools.

These were my thoughts:

- Communal analysis and design.

- Problem / scenario is to be cited by a client/analyst.

- Community (through net or local) discusses over possible solutions/ analysis and design.

- A uniform data gathering technique that should be universal in approach.

- Analysis and Design is done through the help of other people.

- Can be facilitated or monitored by the consultants (e.g. client's project management team, or outsourced solution developers).

- System analysis and design falls upon some sort of a GPL, in which, derived solutions are to be shared to everybody so that other institutions/firms who have similar scenarios/problems can benefit.

This was just inspired by the Open-source inititaive. If you think this is nonsense just delete it and forget about it. But if you have any constructive criticisms, comments, or any other inputs for that matter just email me. Thank you for taking time reading and God Bless.

- Arbie Samong

Asia Pacific College, SSE


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