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how do you use dtas?

From: Eric Wong
Subject: how do you use dtas?
Date: Sat, 5 Dec 2015 02:00:28 +0000

Just wondering how folks are currently using dtas these days.

        dtas-ctl ... (which commands)

        dtas-enq ...

        dtas-tl addtail ...

        dtas-console + interactive mode?


I mainly use "dtas-tl addtail|add|remove|clear" for casual listening,
sometimes "dtas-enq", and dtas-console for pausing/seeking; etc.

For EQ-ing on my own recordings:

1) I'll write a YAML file with a custom "command:" param for -splitfx

2) add the YAML file (via dtas-tl add/addtail or dtas-enq)

3) Edit the YAML files with my favorite editor;
   relying on inotify (via sleepy_penguin RubyGem)
   to pick when my editor saves the file.

   This lets me hear EQ changes whenever I save the
   YAML file in my editor (or the playback stops when I make a typo).

To loop a section of a track I want to focus on, I'll set:

        dtas-tl repeat 1 && dtas-ctl trim START_TIME LENGTH

("dtas-ctl trim off && dtas-tl repeat false" to resume normal playback)

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