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Re: [Duplicity-talk] support for something like --list-increments.

From: Ben Escoto
Subject: Re: [Duplicity-talk] support for something like --list-increments.
Date: Sat, 11 Jan 2003 20:57:14 -0800

>>>>> "RB" == Rob Browning <address@hidden>
>>>>> wrote the following on Sat, 11 Jan 2003 21:05:27 -0600

  RB> Is that something that's on the to-do list, or does duplicity
  RB> already have support and I missed it?

You didn't miss anything -- adding to TODO list...

  RB> Also, does duplicity have anything like "make check" yet?  If
  RB> not, I might be willing to try and add some suitable
  RB> infrastructure so that those interested could start adding
  RB> tests.  Being able to eventually test duplicity against some
  RB> kind of reasonable test suite after an upgrade would be nice.
  RB> (Actually, as critical as duplicity's correctness may become to
  RB> my sanity, a runtime --test option might be even better.  If we
  RB> could make it quick enough, I'd be likely to run it before
  RB> *every* backup in my cron jobs :>)

There is a test suite, see the testing/ dir in CVS or using the webcvs
interface at:


unfortunately the easiest way to run it is to check out it out of CVS
(more instructions in the CVS-README file, or see


).  Right now including the tests and the sample data they use would
make the tarball several times bigger, so they aren't included.

  RB> FWIW I'm nearly finished packaging duplicity for Debian.  If I'm
  RB> happy with the result, I'll upload it.

Thank you very much.  That would be of great help to some large
percentage of duplicity users (30%?  More once its only an apt-get

Ben Escoto

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