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[Duplicity-talk] Resume S3 restore?

From: Mark Lewis
Subject: [Duplicity-talk] Resume S3 restore?
Date: Sun, 6 Dec 2015 17:04:25 -0800

I am trying to restore from an old backup from 2011 that I've had in S3, and the restore keeps getting interrupted with errors like this:

Download s3+http://deja-dup-auto-akiaifjuquylnba7gurq/duplicity-full.20110623T045205Z.vol2255.difftar.gz failed (attempt #4, reason: SSLError: ('The read operation timed out',))

This happens at random times in the process-- sometimes it has only restored a few hundred megabytes, once it almost finished and got to about 23 out of 25 gigabytes.

The problem is each time it happens, it will fail repeatedly until duplicity gives up on the restore.  But if I restart the process, that volume restores fine, so something weird is happening that causes a single run to fail each time it tries to fetch the volume, but a subsequent run can fetch it fine.

That by itself is a weird problem, but I could work around it if there were some way to resume a failed restore.  I haven't seen anything in the man page about that, is there any way to tell it to resume a restore?  Or does anybody have any ideas about the S3 issue?



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