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OT: Re: World War lll ?? part 1

From: Tobias Dahinden
Subject: OT: Re: World War lll ?? part 1
Date: Mon, 17 Sep 2001 11:48:44 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.3) Gecko/20010802


First of all: Your message was NOT related to the topic of address@hidden . So why did you send it?

Second: I'm sorry for all people which loss some relatives last week; I'm also sorry for the people who realised that they die in several seconds because a airplane will crash in their buliding. BUT I'm also sorry for all this hundreds of childs who die every day in Irak because of USA. And I'm also sorry for this hundreds of thousends of people who die in a flood of water in Bangladesh and nobody think about them. And I'm sorry for all these people who will die in the next month because USA will react with war against anybody whether they were responsible or not.

Third: About god: let's cite Kurt Tucholsky (Schnipsel 1932): "Der Mensch hat zwei Beine auf denen er steht und genau so hat er auch zwei Einstellungen auf denen er sich abstützt. Eine wenn es ihm gut geht und eine wenn es ihm schlecht geht.
Letztere nennt man auch Religion"
I try to translate: 'Everybody has two legs to stand on and in the same way he/she has two positions. One when he/she feels good, one when he/she feels bad.
Latter is called religion.'

Tobias Dahinden

Jason Bocchino wrote:
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National Day of Prayer
Are we seeing the beginning of World War III?  We have all seen the pictures 
that will be forever etched in our minds.  How did you react? Did you notice 
how many people have all of a sudden invoked God's name? I saw pictures of the 
toughest looking New Yorkers praying along side old ladies and crying.   Is God 
mad, that it seems to always take a catastrophe for us to turn to Him?  I am 
happy to tell you.... no He isn't.  We all can return to him at any time and He 
will be there waiting for us with open arms.

Does God want us to go kill in his name?  Is he with America?  Well the Good 
Book is filled with stories of his people taking up arms against evil.  Believe 
me we are the right here.  America is not the land of evil.  Sure with our God 
given freedoms that our fore father gave us, with their blood and sweat we all 
are guilty of using those freedoms for some sort of sin activity.  Sin is part 
of us.... there is nobody who can say they don't sin.  If you think you don't 
you are fooling yourself and are a self righteous hypocrite and worst kind of 

We all have been given an opportunity to be counted with the righteous.  We 
have to use this time to draw closer to God and use his power as our strength.  
We have been given momentum to go forward in a fight for righteousness against 
evil.  We cannot lose as long as we use Him as our guide.

You will hear a lot of so called religious people use this as a way to get 
those who don't understand God's plan for mankind as a spring board to launch 
their own greedy agenda.  Be ware Sheppard's as to how you lead your flock.  
They will say this is the end.  Armageddon is upon us.  All through history 
these fools cry out this scare tactic.  Well Jesus Christ himself said that 
only God the Father knows the time of Christ's return.  How can a man?

If this is the beginning of the end we still have no reason to fear.  If we are 
in the right....and you can bet we are... and you are close to God in all of 
your doings, then we have nothing to fear.  Not even the end of the world as we 
know it.

20 years ago I was training to be a minister. All I encountered in that church was hypocrisy and self-righteous indignation. I left the so called church and have never been back. It seems that the real 'churchy' people are there to suck up to the minister and to gain some sense of self importance. I was not of the same mold they were, so I stuck out like a sore thumb. I am big and mean looking, I have a few tattoos. It was easy for the 'righteous' to point out my short comings. I tell it like it is and I don't suck up. While they were busy going to church 4 times a week I decided that if I'm in church all the time how can I be of any help in the real world. Don't get me wrong if you really have God's will in you heart, church can help you get your spiritual life in order. Church can help train you in the word of God and help get you on the right track. I believe the good lord has other things planned for me out in the real world. This is why I have taken this time to write this letter. I feel the time is at hand where all Americans of all race, color and creed need to pull together for the greater good of all mankind. It is up to us to lead the world as an example of what true righteousness is. Did Jesus not sit and eat with the prostitutes and tax collectors. Did he not say that a doctor doesn't tend to the healthy? We are all prostitutes and tax collectors. We all need his blessing and protection at all times not just during a catastrophe.
I pledge as an American that I will donate 10% of all my earnings towards those 
in need.  I will not hand over my hard earned money to some minister with no 
job so he can use it as he sees fit.  I will go out into the world with my 10% 
and personally see where it will be used to do the most good.....starting with 
the police and firemen of New York City.

I know that to some of you I seem to be off my rocker, but can you think of a 
better time to get reacquainted with our God.  If this makes sense to you pass 
it along to all your friends and loved ones.  Remember if God is with us who or 
what can stand against us?

My we all be blessed and get through this and be beacons of light to this 
darkening world.

Noel E. Wideberg
GoldSphere Inc.

Noel Wideberg
GoldSphere Inc.

European "Free Software in Education" mailing list

Tobias Dahinden                 Institut für Kartographie
Lerchenrain 7                   HIL G14.2
8046 Zürich                     ETH Hönggerberg
01/371'17'59 8093 Zürich

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