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[Edu-fr] Helping Howto

From: Odile B'enassy
Subject: [Edu-fr] Helping Howto
Date: Sun, 3 Nov 2002 12:38:14 +0100

So a few people now ask how they can help, and I will try here to explain
how they can do it.

On GNU project we have a few things related to education.

First the web page. On this page we should have at least news about what's
happening to free software in education, in general. We could have also
news about special topics (events, software...) but then it would require
more work because we will have to change these "news" more often. In all
cases we only speak about actually _free_ software, or _free_ software
related events. (please read and /licenses if you
have not already)

Second :
If you want to help some existing project, you can check on
A few months ago I have written this page :
that might help you selecting the package you want to help
You should have a look at freeduc as well,
because some of the projects are not on both places and because of the
interesting descriptions. 
Of course you can also start a project of your own.

Third : the free software directory, topic education.
This is a recent project, but it can prove very useful if we work on it.
Howto : 
        for inserting or updating an entry, use this template
        then send it to this list so everybody can have a look at it; or if you
want privacy
        send it to me, or to address@hidden  
You could also help for improving the directory itself (although it works
ok already as far as I know)

Fourth : 
Why not send data about a school you know that uses free software ?
Why not volunteer for translating the interface into your language, or
communicating about the project ?
If we want free software in the schools, we have to show what's going on
in the schools already using free software.
More : 
- anyway, you can read this page :
- you can write to address@hidden (GNU Volonteers Coordinators), they can
give us suggestions for smaller, short-term tasks; if nobody here does
that first I think I will write to them anyway and tell you about it; if
you do so before me please report on this list

I hope this helps.
Odile Bénassy, développeuse de logiciels libres
Odile Benassy, libre software developer
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