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[debbugs-tracker] bug#18777: closed ([PATCH] dfa: improvement for checki

From: GNU bug Tracking System
Subject: [debbugs-tracker] bug#18777: closed ([PATCH] dfa: improvement for checking of multibyte character boundary)
Date: Mon, 02 May 2016 06:00:03 +0000

Your message dated Sun, 1 May 2016 22:59:14 -0700
with message-id <address@hidden>
and subject line Re: [PATCH] dfa: improvement for checking of multibyte 
character boundary
has caused the debbugs.gnu.org bug report #18777,
regarding [PATCH] dfa: improvement for checking of multibyte character boundary
to be marked as done.

(If you believe you have received this mail in error, please contact

18777: http://debbugs.gnu.org/cgi/bugreport.cgi?bug=18777
GNU Bug Tracking System
Contact address@hidden with problems
--- Begin Message --- Subject: [PATCH] dfa: improvement for checking of multibyte character boundary Date: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 00:04:02 +0900
This patch improves performance for input string which doesn't match
even the first part of a pattern.  Although there is no less effective
for grep as it uses a superset of DFA, gawk speeds up about 40%.

$ time -p env LC_ALL=ja_JP.eucJP ./gawk '/k/ { print }' ../k

  real 2.85  user 2.79  sys 0.05

  real 1.70  user 1.64  sys 0.06

I think that this improvement should have been performed in bug#17576.

Attachment: 0001-dfa-improvement-for-checking-of-multibyte-character-.patch
Description: Text document

--- End Message ---
--- Begin Message --- Subject: Re: [PATCH] dfa: improvement for checking of multibyte character boundary Date: Sun, 1 May 2016 22:59:14 -0700 User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:38.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/38.7.2
I have installed this and am closing the bug report.

--- End Message ---

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