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[Emacs-commit] dedicated to you

From: Bertha Butler
Subject: [Emacs-commit] dedicated to you
Date: Sun, 24 Sep 2006 10:17:09 -0500

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Before, such a movement would have made him scream with pain, but now the pain 
was disappearing under a beautiful glassiness.
"Almost over,»she said, and turned the valve, and now the ground sheet caught 
fire around the stump that was no longer bleeding, the stump that was as black 
as the pig's hide had been when they had brought it out of — Eileen had turned 
away but Paul had watched, fascinated, as they pulled off the pig's crackling 
skin as easily as you might skim off a sweater after a football game.
He rolled clumsily onto his stomach burrowed one arm deep under the mattress, 
and brought out one of the Novril sample cards.

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