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Re: timing Emacs 21 (was: comments on ntemacs 21.0.91)

From: Robert J. Chassell
Subject: Re: timing Emacs 21 (was: comments on ntemacs 21.0.91)
Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2000 11:17:16 -0500 (EST)

Sometimes Emacs 20.7 is faster than the current Emacs 21 
and sometimes it is slower.

    forward-char            Emacs 21 faster
    forward-line            Emacs 21 faster

    forward-word            Emacs 20 faster
    forward-sentence        Emacs 20 considerably faster
    forward-paragraph       Emacs 20 considerably faster

I used todays' GNU Emacs 21 CVS snapshot of Fri, 2000 Dec  1  13:20 GMT
started as:
        /usr/local/bin/emacs -q --no-site-file -eval '(blink-cursor-mode 0)'

and a vanilla Emacs 20.7
started as:
        /usr/bin/emacs -q --no-site-file

both i386-debian-linux-gnu, X toolkit
on /usr/local/src/emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el

Here are the details:

    (time-action 500000 (quote forward-char))
    Emacs 20.7: total time 2.05455 seconds
    Emacs 21:   total time 1.95983 seconds               

    (/ 2.05455 1.95983) --> 1.0483307225626712          Emacs 21 faster

    (time-action 100000 (quote forward-word-1))
    Emacs 20.7: total time 0.667677 seconds
    Emacs 21:   total time 0.789962 seconds

    (/ 0.667677 0.789962) --> 0.8452014147515955        Emacs 20 faster

    (time-action  10000 (quote forward-line))
    Emacs 20.7: total time 0.050145 seconds
    Emacs 21:   total time 0.047895 seconds

    (/ 0.050145 0.047895) -->1.0469777638584403         Emacs 21 faster

    (time-action  10000 (quote forward-sentence))
    Emacs 20.7: total time 2.2367 seconds
    Emacs 21:   total time 6.07811 seconds

    (/ 2.2367 6.07811) --> 0.36799268193566753          Emacs 20 faster

    (time-action   3000 (quote forward-paragraph))
    Emacs 20.7: total time 0.525678 seconds
    Emacs 21:   total time 1.32064 seconds

    (/ 0.525678 1.32064) --> 0.3980479161618609         Emacs 20 faster

Here is the progn I used to generate these figures, 
and a copy of Andrew Innes' time-action code, slightly modified.

;; Time an action
;; /usr/local/src/emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el
;; 768,000 bytes
;; 120,000 words
;;  17,800 lines
;; (progn
;;   (find-file "/usr/local/src/emacs/lisp/loaddefs.el")

;;   (load-file "/home/bob/emacs/time-action.el")
;;   (goto-char (point-min))
;;   (print "(time-action 500000 (quote forward-char))")
;;   (time-action 500000 (quote forward-char))
;;   (goto-char (point-min))
;;   (print "(time-action 100000 (quote forward-word-1))")
;;   (time-action 100000 (quote forward-word-1))
;;   (goto-char (point-min))
;;   (print "(time-action  10000 (quote forward-line))")
;;   (time-action  10000 (quote forward-line))
;;   (goto-char (point-min))
;;   (print "(time-action  10000 (quote forward-sentence))")
;;   (time-action  10000 (quote forward-sentence))
;;   (goto-char (point-min))
;;   (print "(time-action   3000 (quote forward-paragraph))")
;;   (time-action   3000 (quote forward-paragraph))
;;   (goto-char (point-min))
;;   (switch-to-buffer "*Messages*")
;;   )
;; For a vanilla Emacs 20:
;;      /usr/bin/emacs -q --no-site-file
;; For a vanilla Emacs 21:
;;      /usr/local/bin/emacs -q --no-site-file -eval '(blink-cursor-mode 0)'

;; The following defun is used for timing forward-word

 (defun forward-word-1 ()
  "Go forward one word."
  (forward-word 1))

;; Written by Andrew Innes <address@hidden>, 1998-2000.
;; Released into public domain.

(defun elapsed-time (start finish)
   (+ (* 65536.0 (nth 0 finish))
      (nth 1 finish)
      (* 1e-6 (nth 2 finish)))
   (+ (*  65536.0 (nth 0 start))
      (nth 1 start)
      (* 1e-6 (nth 2 start)))))

;;;; corrected for bug with millisecond times
;; (defun time-action (iterations action)
;;   (interactive "nRepeat count: \naaction function: ")
;;   (let ((i 0)
;;      (start (current-time))
;;      control
;;      finish
;;      (next-line-add-newlines t))
;;     (while (< i iterations)
;;       (funcall (lambda ()))
;;       (setq i (1+ i)))
;;     (setq control (current-time))
;;     (setq i 0)
;;     (while (< i iterations)
;;       ;;(next-line 1)
;;       ;;(forward-char 1)
;;       ;;(scroll-up)
;;       ;;(redraw-display)
;;       ;; attempt to force redisplay
;;       ;;(sit-for 0)
;;       (funcall action)
;;       (setq i (1+ i)))
;;     (setq finish (current-time))
;;     (message "total time %g seconds; average time taken was %g ms"
;;           (elapsed-time control finish)
;;           (/ (* 1000.0 (- (elapsed-time control finish)
;;                           (elapsed-time start control))) iterations))))

(defun time-action (iterations action)
  (interactive "nRepeat count: \naaction function: ")
  (let ((i 0)
        (start (current-time))
        (finish (current-time))
        (next-line-add-newlines t))
    (while (< i iterations)
      (funcall action)
      (setq i (1+ i)))
    (setq finish (current-time))
   "total time %g seconds"
      (int-to-string (elt finish 1)) "." (int-to-string (elt finish 2))))
       (int-to-string (elt start 1)) "." (int-to-string (elt start 2))))))))

(defun sit-for-keyboard-input (seconds &optional nodisp)
  "As sit-for, except only recognizes keyboard input."
  (let ((start (current-time))
    (while (and (not done) (not (sit-for seconds nil nodisp)))
      (setq input (read-event))
      ;;(message "(read %S)" input)
      (if (not (memq (event-basic-type input)
                     '(mouse-1 mouse-2 mouse-3
                               iconify-frame switch-frame
                               delete-frame make-frame-visible)))
          ;; keyboard input of some type
            (setq done t)
            (setq unread-command-events
                  (append unread-command-events (list input))))
        ;; some other kind of event - discard and resume wait
        (setq finish (current-time))
        (setq seconds (- seconds (elapsed-time start finish)))))))

;;; provide functions for automated testing
(defun scroll-and-display ()
  (next-line 1)
  (sit-for 0))

(defun view-test-file ()
  (find-file "C:/andrewi/emacs-20.4/lisp/loaddefs.el")
  (message ""))

(require 'font-lock)

(defun test-fontify ()
  (let ((global-font-lock-mode t)
        (font-lock-support-mode nil)
        (font-lock-maximum-size nil))
    (font-lock-mode -1)
    (setq font-lock-maximum-size nil)
    (time-action 1 'font-lock-mode)))

(defun test-scroll-font-lock ()
  (let ((global-font-lock-mode t)
        (font-lock-support-mode nil)
        (font-lock-maximum-size nil)
        (line-number-mode t)
        (column-number-mode t))
    (setq font-lock-maximum-size nil)
    (font-lock-mode 1)
    (time-action 3000 'scroll-and-display)))

(defun test-scroll-no-font-lock ()
  (let ((font-lock-global-modes nil))
    (time-action 3000 'scroll-and-display)))

(defun test-scroll-font-lock-simple ()
  (let ((global-font-lock-mode t)
        (font-lock-support-mode nil)
        (font-lock-maximum-size nil)
        (line-number-mode nil)
        (column-number-mode nil))
    (setq font-lock-maximum-size nil)
    (font-lock-mode 1)
    (time-action 3000 'scroll-and-display)))

(defun test-scroll-no-font-lock-simple ()
  (let ((font-lock-global-modes nil)
        (line-number-mode nil)
        (column-number-mode nil))
    (time-action 3000 'scroll-and-display)))

(defun test-scroll-no-font-lock-simple2 ()
  (let ((font-lock-global-modes nil)
        (line-number-mode nil)
        (column-number-mode t))
    (setq goal-column 35)
    (time-action 3000 'scroll-and-display)))

(defun test-scroll-split-horiz ()
  (let ((font-lock-global-modes nil)
        (line-number-mode nil)
        (column-number-mode nil))
    (time-action 300 'scroll-and-display)))

(defun test-scroll-split-vert ()
  (let ((font-lock-global-modes nil)
        (line-number-mode nil)
        (column-number-mode nil))
    (time-action 300 'scroll-and-display)))

(defvar test-stat-cache-dir "D:/andrewi/emacs-19.34/lisp")

(defun test-stat-caching ()
  (let ((win32-enable-stat-cache -1))
      (directory-files test-stat-cache-dir nil nil t))))

(defun test-no-stat-caching ()
  (let ((win32-enable-stat-cache nil))
      (directory-files test-stat-cache-dir nil nil t))))

(defvar test-byte-compile-file "D:/tmp/cc-mode.el")

(defun test-byte-compile-verbose ()
  (let ((byte-compile-verbose t)
        (byte-compile-warnings nil))
    (time-action 1 (lambda () (byte-compile-file test-byte-compile-file)))))

(defun test-byte-compile-quiet ()
  (let ((byte-compile-verbose nil)
        (byte-compile-warnings nil))
    (time-action 1 (lambda () (byte-compile-file test-byte-compile-file)))))

;;; end time action code

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