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blank-mode v4.0

From: Vinicius Jose Latorre
Subject: blank-mode v4.0
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2001 21:32:23 -0200

Hi Folks,

Below is blank-mode v4.0.

I've merged blank-mode with viswis:

   ;;; visws.el --- Make whitespace visible
   ;; Copyright (C) 2001 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
   ;; Author: Miles Bader <address@hidden>

Also, I changed faces to have light colors.

blank-mode uses the lazy lock technique (except timers) to highlight spaces and
tabs, but it uses overlay instead of text properties (to avoid a conflict when
using font-lock).

When merging blank-mode with viswis, I discovered that it happens a face
conflict when using faces with display table and any other overlay/text face
property (display table face wins).  So, only newline character has its face
changed in display table.


==============================CUT HERE=====================================
;;; blank-mode --- Minor mode to visualize blanks (SPACE and TAB).

;; Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Vinicius Jose Latorre

;; Author: Vinicius Jose Latorre <address@hidden>
;; Maintainer: Vinicius Jose Latorre <address@hidden>
;; Keywords: data, wp
;; Time-stamp: <2001/12/18 20:05:34 vinicius>
;; Version: 4.0
;; X-URL: http://www.cpqd.com.br/~vinicius/emacs/

;; This file is *NOT* (yet?) part of GNU Emacs.

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
;; under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
;; Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later
;; version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
;; ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
;; FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for
;; more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
;; GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free Software
;; Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.

;;; Commentary:

;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
;; Introduction
;; ------------
;; This package is a minor mode to visualize blanks (SPACE and TAB).
;; To use blank-mode, insert in your ~/.emacs:
;;    (require 'blank-mode)
;; Or:
;;    (autoload 'blank-mode-on        "blank-mode"
;;      "Turn on blank visualization."   t)
;;    (autoload 'blank-mode-off       "blank-mode"
;;      "Turn off blank visualization."  t)
;;    (autoload 'blank-mode           "blank-mode"
;;      "Toggle blank visualization."    t)
;;    (autoload 'blank-mode-customize "blank-mode"
;;      "Customize blank visualization." t)
;; For good performance, be sure to byte-compile blank-mode.el, e.g.
;;    M-x byte-compile-file <give the path to blank-mode.el when prompted>
;; This will generate blank-mode.elc, which will be loaded instead of
;; blank-mode.el.
;; blank-mode was tested with GNU Emacs 20.6.1.
;; Using blank-mode
;; ----------------
;; To activate blank-mode, type:
;;    M-x blank-mode-on RET
;; Or:
;;    C-u 1 M-x blank-mode RET
;; To deactivate blank-mode, type:
;;    M-x blank-mode-off RET
;; Or:
;;    C-u 0 M-x blank-mode RET
;; To toggle blank-mode, type:
;;    M-x blank-mode RET
;; To customize blank-mode, type:
;;    M-x blank-mode-customize RET
;; You can also bind `blank-mode', `blank-mode-on', `blank-mode-off' and
;; `blank-mode-customize' to some key, like:
;;    (global-set-key "\C-c\C-a" 'blank-mode-on)
;;    (global-set-key "\C-c\C-e" 'blank-mode-off)
;;    (global-set-key "\C-c\C-t" 'blank-mode)
;;    (global-set-key "\C-c\C-c" 'blank-mode-customize)
;; Hooks
;; -----
;; blank-mode has the following hook variables:
;; `blank-mode-hook'
;;    It is evaluated always when blank-mode is turned on.
;; `blank-load-hook'
;;    It is evaluated after blank-mode package is loaded.
;; Options
;; -------
;; Below it's shown a brief description of blank-mode options, please, see the
;; options declaration in the code for a long documentation.
;; `blank-space-face'           Face used to visualize SPACE.
;; `blank-tab-face'             Face used to visualize TAB.
;; `blank-map-face'             Face used to visualize char mapping.
;; `blank-verbose'              Non-nil means generate messages.
;; `blank-chars'                Specify which kind of blank is visualized.
;; `blank-space-regexp'         Specify space characters regexp.
;; `blank-tab-regexp'           Specify tab characters regexp.
;; `blank-priority'             Specify blank overlay priority.
;; `blank-display-mappings'     Specify an alist of mappings for displaying
;;                              characters.
;; To set the above options you may:
;; a) insert the code in your ~/.emacs, like:
;;       (setq blank-space-face 'underline)
;;    This way always keep your default settings when you enter a new Emacs
;;    session.
;; b) or use `set-variable' in your Emacs session, like:
;;       M-x set-variable RET blank-space-face RET underline RET
;;    This way keep your settings only during the current Emacs session.
;; c) or use customization, for example:
;;       click on menu-bar *Help* option,
;;       then click on *Customize*,
;;       then click on *Browse Customization Groups*,
;;       expand *Data* group,
;;       expand *Blank* group
;;       and then customize blank-mode options.
;;    Through this way, you may choose if the settings are kept or not when
;;    you leave out the current Emacs session.
;; d) or see the option value:
;;       C-h v blank-space-face RET
;;    and click the *customize* hypertext button.
;;    Through this way, you may choose if the settings are kept or not when
;;    you leave out the current Emacs session.
;; e) or invoke:
;;       M-x blank-mode-customize RET
;;    and then customize blank-mode options.
;;    Through this way, you may choose if the settings are kept or not when
;;    you leave out the current Emacs session.
;; Acknowledgements
;; ----------------
;; Thanks to Miles Bader <address@hidden> for visws.el on Emacs 21.
;; Thanks to Pete Forman <address@hidden> for indicating
;; whitespace-mode on XEmacs.
;; Thanks to all who emailed comments.
;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

;;; code:

;; GNU Emacs
(or (fboundp 'set-window-redisplay-end-trigger)
    (defalias 'set-window-redisplay-end-trigger 'ignore))

;; XEmacs needs overlay emulation package
  (and (let (case-fold-search)
         (string-match "XEmacs\\|Lucid\\|Epoch" emacs-version))
       (not (require 'overlay))
       (error "`blank-mode' requires `overlay' package.")))

;; User Variables:

;;; Interface to the command system

(defgroup blank nil
  "Visualize blanks (SPACE and TAB)"
  :link '(emacs-library-link :tag "Source Lisp File" "blank-mode.el")
  :group 'wp
  :group 'data)

(defcustom blank-space-face 'blank-space-face
  "*Symbol face used to visualize SPACE."
  :type 'face
  :group 'blank)

(defface blank-space-face
  '((t (:background "LightYellow" :foreground "Aquamarine3")))
  "Face used to visualize SPACE.")

(defcustom blank-tab-face 'blank-tab-face
  "*Symbol face used to visualize TAB."
  :type 'face
  :group 'blank)

(defface blank-tab-face
  '((((class mono)) :inverse-video t)
    (t (:background "Beige" :foreground "Aquamarine3")))
  "Face used to visualize TAB.")

(defcustom blank-map-face 'blank-map-face
  "*Symbol face used to visualize char mapping.  See `blank-display-mappings'."
  :type 'face
  :group 'blank)

(defface blank-map-face
  '((((class mono)) (:bold t :underline t))
    (t (:background "Linen" :foreground "Aquamarine3" :bold t)))
  "Face used to visualize char mapping.  See `blank-display-mappings'.")

(defcustom blank-verbose t
  "*Non-nil means generate messages."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'blank)

(defcustom blank-chars 'tabs-and-spaces
  "*Specify which kind of blank is visualized.

Valid values are:

   'tabs-and-spaces     TABs and SPACEs are visualized.
   'tabs                only TABs are visualized.
   'spaces              only SPACEs are visualized.
   nil                  don't visualize TABs and SPACEs.

Any other value is treated as nil."
  :type '(radio :tag "Kind of Blank"
                (const :tag "None" nil)
                (const tabs-and-spaces)
                (const tabs)
                (const spaces))
  :group 'blank)

(defcustom blank-space-regexp "\\( +\\)"
  "*Specify space characters regexp.

If you're using `mule' package, it may exists other characters besides \" \"
that it should be considered space.

Here are some examples:

   \"\\\\(^ +\\\\)\"            visualize only leading spaces.
   \"\\\\( +$\\\\)\"            visualize only trailing spaces.
   \"\\\\(^ +\\\\| +$\\\\)\"    visualize leading and/or trailing spaces.
   \"\\t\\\\( +\\\\)\\t\"       visualize only spaces between tabs."
  :type '(regexp :tag "Space Chars")
  :group 'blank)

(defcustom blank-tab-regexp "\\(\t+\\)"
  "*Specify tab characters regexp.

If you're using `mule' package, it may exists other characters besides \"\\t\"
that it should be considered tab.

Here are some examples:

   \"\\\\(^\\t+\\\\)\"          visualize only leading tabs.
   \"\\\\(\\t+$\\\\)\"          visualize only trailing tabs.
   \"\\\\(^\\t+\\\\|\\t+$\\\\)\"        visualize leading and/or trailing tabs.
   \" \\\\(\\t+\\\\) \" visualize only tabs between spaces."
  :type '(regexp :tag "Tab Chars")
  :group 'blank)

(defcustom blank-priority 0
  "*Specify blank overlay priority.

Higher integer means higher priority, so blank overlay will have precedence
over overlays with lower priority.  *Don't* use negative number."
  :type 'integer
  :group 'blank)

;; Hacked from `visible-whitespace-mappings' in visws.el
(defcustom blank-display-mappings
  '((?\n [?$ ?\n])                      ; end-of-line
    (?\t [?\» ?\t] [?\\ ?\t])           ; tab
    (?\  [?\·] [?.])                    ; space
  "*Specify an alist of mappings for displaying characters.

Each element has the following form:



CHAR    Is the character to be mapped.

VECTOR  Is a vector of characters to be displayed in place of CHAR.
        The first display vector that can be displayed is used; if no display
        vector for a mapping can be displayed, then that character is
        displayed unmodified.

The NEWLINE character is displayed using the face given by `blank-map-face'
  :type '(repeat
          (list :tag "Character Mapping"
                (character :tag "Char")
                (repeat :inline t :tag "Vector List"
                 (vector :tag ""
                  (repeat :inline t :tag "Vector Characters"
                   (character :tag "Char"))))))
  :group 'blank)

;; Macros I

(defmacro blank-message (&rest body)
  (` (and blank-verbose (interactive-p)
          (message (,@ body)))))

;; Customization

(defun blank-mode-customize ()
  "Customize blank-mode options."
  (customize-group 'blank))

;; User commands

(defvar blank-mode nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'blank-mode)

(defun blank-mode (&optional arg)
  "Toggle blank visualization.

If ARG is null, toggle blank visualization.
If ARG is a number and is greater than zero, turn on visualization; otherwise,
turn off visualization."
  (interactive "P")
  (if (if arg
          (> (prefix-numeric-value arg) 0)
        (not blank-mode))
  (blank-message "Blank Mode is now %s." (if blank-mode "on" "off")))

(defun blank-mode-on ()
  "Turn on blank visualization."
  (or (and (boundp 'blank-mode) blank-mode)
      (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t))
        (setq blank-mode t)
        (blank-after-scroll-on (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))
        (run-hooks 'blank-mode-hook)
        (make-local-hook 'after-change-functions)
        (add-hook 'after-change-functions 'blank-after-change-function t t)
        (make-local-hook 'window-scroll-functions)
        (remove-hook 'window-scroll-functions 'blank-after-scroll-off t)
        (add-hook 'window-scroll-functions 'blank-after-scroll-on t t)
        (blank-message "Blank Mode is now on."))))

(defun blank-mode-off ()
  "Turn off blank visualization."
  (and (boundp 'blank-mode) blank-mode
       (let ((inhibit-point-motion-hooks t))
         (setq blank-mode nil)
         (remove-hook 'after-change-functions 'blank-after-change-function t)
         (remove-hook 'window-scroll-functions 'blank-after-scroll-on t)
         (add-hook 'window-scroll-functions 'blank-after-scroll-off t t)
         (blank-after-scroll-off (get-buffer-window (current-buffer))
         (blank-message "Blank Mode is now off."))))

;; Macros II (adapted from lazy-lock.el)

;; This is to preserve/protect things when modifying text properties.
(defmacro blank-save-buffer-state (&rest body)
  "Eval BODY restoring buffer state."
         (let ((modified (buffer-modified-p))
               (buffer-undo-list t)
               (inhibit-read-only t)
               (inhibit-point-motion-hooks t)
           (set-buffer-modified-p modified))))))

(put 'blank-save-buffer-state 'lisp-indent-function 0)

;; Internal functions

(defvar blank-space-match-list nil)
(defvar blank-tab-match-list   nil)

(defvar blank-space-mark "")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'blank-space-mark)
(defvar blank-tab-mark "")
(make-variable-buffer-local 'blank-tab-mark)

(defun blank-after-scroll-on (window window-start)
    ;; Called from `window-scroll-functions'.
    ;; Visualize blanks on WINDOW from WINDOW-START following the scroll.
    (let ((start (if window
          (end (if window
                   (window-end window t)
                 (min (+ (point-min) 4096) (point-max)))))
       ((not (and (string= blank-space-mark blank-space-regexp)
                  (string= blank-tab-mark blank-tab-regexp)))
        (setq blank-space-match-list (blank-see-regexp 'blank-space-regexp)
              blank-tab-match-list   (blank-see-regexp 'blank-tab-regexp))
        (blank-remove-prop (point-min) (point-max))
        (blank-add-prop start end)
        (setq blank-space-mark blank-space-regexp
              blank-tab-mark blank-tab-regexp))
       ((text-property-not-all start end 'blank-mode t)
        (blank-add-prop start end))
    ;; A prior deletion that did not cause scrolling, followed by a scroll,
    ;; would result in an unnecessary trigger after this if we did not cancel
    ;; it now.
    (and window
         (set-window-redisplay-end-trigger window nil))))

(defun blank-after-scroll-off (window window-start)
    ;; Called from `window-scroll-functions'.
    ;; Don't visualize blanks on WINDOW from WINDOW-START following the
    ;; scroll.
    (let ((start (if window
          (end (if window
                   (window-end window t)
                 (min (+ (point-min) 4096) (point-max)))))
       ((text-property-any start end 'blank-mode t)
        (blank-remove-prop start end))
       ((not (text-property-any (point-min) (point-max) 'blank-mode t))
        (remove-hook 'window-scroll-functions 'blank-after-scroll-off t))
    ;; A prior deletion that did not cause scrolling, followed by a scroll,
    ;; would result in an unnecessary trigger after this if we did not cancel
    ;; it now.
    (and window
         (set-window-redisplay-end-trigger window nil))))

(defun blank-after-change-function (beg end oldlen)
  ;; Called from `after-change-functions'.
  ;; Visualize blanks from BEG to END.
    ;; Rescan between start of lines enclosing the region.
    (goto-char beg)
    (setq beg (point))
    (goto-char end)
    (forward-line 1)
    (setq end (point))
    (blank-remove-prop beg end)
    (blank-add-prop beg end)))

(defun blank-remove-prop (beg end)
  (let ((overlays (overlays-in beg end)))
    (while overlays
      (and (overlay-get (car overlays) 'blank-mode)
           (delete-overlay (car overlays)))
      (setq overlays (cdr overlays))))
  (remove-text-properties beg end '(blank-mode nil)))

(defun blank-add-prop (beg end)
  (and (memq blank-chars '(spaces tabs-and-spaces))
       (blank-add-prop-regexp beg end blank-space-regexp blank-space-face
  (and (memq blank-chars '(tabs tabs-and-spaces))
       (blank-add-prop-regexp beg end blank-tab-regexp blank-tab-face

(defun blank-add-prop-regexp (beg end regexp face match-list)
    (goto-char beg)
    (while (re-search-forward regexp end 'NOERR)
      (let ((match match-list))
        (while match
          (let ((the-beg (match-beginning (car match)))
                (the-end (match-end (car match)))
            (let ((overlays (overlays-in the-beg the-end)))
              (while overlays
                (let ((ov (car overlays)))
                  (and (overlay-get ov 'blank-mode)
                       (let ((oface (overlay-get ov 'face)))
                         (cond ((eq oface face)
                                (setq overlay  ov
                                      overlays nil))
                               ((eq oface blank-space-face))
                               ((eq oface blank-tab-face))
                                (delete-overlay ov))))))
                (setq overlays (cdr overlays))))
            (if overlay
                (move-overlay overlay the-beg the-end)
              (setq overlay (make-overlay the-beg the-end))
              (overlay-put overlay 'face face)
              (overlay-put overlay 'blank-mode t))
            (overlay-put overlay 'priority blank-priority))
          (setq match (cdr match)))))
    (add-text-properties beg end '(blank-mode t))))

(defun blank-see-regexp (var-sym)
  (let ((start 0)
        (index 0)
        (pair  0)
    (while (setq start (string-match "\\\\[()]" (symbol-value var-sym) start))
      (setq start (1+ start))
      (if (= (aref (symbol-value var-sym) start) ?\))
          (setq pair (1- pair))
        (setq index (1+ index))
        (and (zerop pair)
             (setq mlist (cons index mlist)))
        (setq pair (1+ pair))))
    (when (< pair 0)
      (setq index 0)
      (while (< pair 0)
        (set var-sym (concat "\\(" (symbol-value var-sym)))
        (setq pair (1+ pair))))
    (while (> pair 0)
      (set var-sym (concat (symbol-value var-sym) "\\)"))
      (setq pair (1- pair)))
    (when (zerop index)
      (set var-sym (concat "\\(" (symbol-value var-sym) "\\)"))
      (setq mlist '(1)))

;; Hacked from visws.el

(defun blank-legal-display-vector-p (vec)
  "Return true if every character in the display vector VEC can be displayed."
  (let ((i (length vec)))
    (when (> i 0)
      ;; This check should be improved!!!
      (while (and (>= (setq i (1- i)) 0)
                  (or (< (aref vec i) 256)
                      (char-valid-p (aref vec i)))))
      (< i 0))))

;; Buffer local variable used to remember whether a buffer initially had a
;; local display table or not.
(defvar blank-display-table-was-local nil)
(make-variable-buffer-local 'blank-display-table-was-local)

(defun blank-display-char-on ()
  "Turn on character display mapping."
  (and blank-display-mappings
       (let ((face-bits (ash (face-id blank-map-face) 19))
             (map-list blank-display-mappings)
             entry vecs len vec i)
         ;; Remember whether a buffer has a local display table.
         (setq blank-display-table-was-local
               (copy-sequence buffer-display-table))
         (or buffer-display-table
             (setq buffer-display-table (make-display-table)))
         (while map-list
           (setq entry    (car map-list)
                 vecs     (cdr entry)
                 map-list (cdr map-list))
           ;; Get a displayable mapping.
           (while (and vecs (not (blank-legal-display-vector-p (car vecs))))
             (setq vecs (cdr vecs)))
           ;; Display a valid mapping.
           (when vecs
             (setq vec (copy-sequence (car vecs)))
             ;; Only insert face bits on NEWLINE char.mapping to avoid
             ;; obstruction of other faces like TABs and SPACEs faces,
             ;; font-lock faces, etc.
             (when (eq (car entry) ?\n)
               (setq len (length (car vecs))
                     i -1)
               (while (< (setq i (1+ i)) len)
                 (or (eq (aref vec i) ?\n)
                     (aset vec i (logior (aref vec i) face-bits)))))
             (aset buffer-display-table (car entry) vec))))))

(defun blank-display-char-off ()
  "Turn off character display mapping."
  (and blank-display-mappings
       (setq buffer-display-table blank-display-table-was-local)))


(add-to-list 'minor-mode-alist '(blank-mode " Bl"))

(provide 'blank-mode)

(run-hooks 'blank-load-hook)

;;; blank-mode.el ends here

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