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Re: German tutorial fix

From: Kim F. Storm
Subject: Re: German tutorial fix
Date: 18 May 2002 22:36:27 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2.50

"Eli Zaretskii" <address@hidden> writes:

> > From: Miles Bader <address@hidden>
> > Date: 18 May 2002 21:12:50 +0900
> > 
> > > All they usually memorize is maybe ten different keybindings, they use
> > > the mouse and the menus for the rest, like they do for almost any
> > > other program in the world.
> > 
> > If your students are so fearful, lazy, or busy that they'll only learn
> > ten different keybindings, then I'd say they're better off just using
> > the menus, and probably don't even need the tutorial.

I don't think it is being lazy or fearful simply wanting to use existing
knowledge -- and getting down to business quickly.  99% of all users which
start using emacs already knows how to navigate using the arrow keys and
pgup/pgdown, so IMO spending one word in the tutorial -- repeat TUTORIAL --
doesn't help the users one iota getting started using emacs.  

Quite contrary it makes emacs stand out as old fashioned, and
difficult to learn!!!

Once a user masters the basic emacs functionality, those interested in
optimizing their typing will learn about the C-f etc bindings -- the
rest will *NEVER* care about them.

It might also be an idea to mention CUA mode in the tutorial -- if
the user is already familiar with C-z C-x C-c and C-v, teaching them
to use a different set of bindings could be delayed...

> Please note that I'm not as extreme as Francesco: I don't think we
> should remove the cursor motion discussion altogether, or never
> mention C-f and C-b.  I just think we don't need to talk about that
> as much as it was necessary in 1990, say.

It could be written in 8 lines:

To move the cursor in emacs, use the arrow, <home>, and <end> keys.
To scroll the window, use the PgDown and PgUp keys, and to move
to the top or bottom of the current buffer, use C-home and C-end.

If you don't like the cursor keys, use the following keys instead:
C-f, C-b, C-n, and C-p moves the cursor, C-a and C-e moves to
beginning or end of the line, C-v and M-v scrolls the window, while
M-< and M-> moves to the top or bottom of the buffer.

Kim F. Storm <address@hidden> http://www.cua.dk

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