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Bugfix and feature for server.el

From: Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Subject: Bugfix and feature for server.el
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2002 17:46:22 +0200

Find the following fix attached.  We had a problem with our
application that uses `emacslient --no-wait' to edit input files.

Emacs-21.2 (unlike previous versions), when invoked through
`emacsclient --no-wait', wants to revert buffers whenever they have
been edited, and does allow any editing, which is annoying.  When
invoking with --no-wait, we are typically `moving around' and editing
the same file all the time; and do not want to revert.

When it does revert the buffer, it does not use the column argument of
emacsclient; this is now fixed.

Han-Wen and Jan.

Btw: this message was sent to bug-gnu-emacs about three weeks ago, but
     that list seems to be slightly foobarred?  We both have current
     disclaimers with GNU.

2002-07-21  Jan Nieuwenhuizen  <address@hidden>

        * server.el (server-process-filter): Cleanup stray if.  Add
        'no-revert to file list entry when emacsclient was invoked with
        (server-visit-files): New function goto-line-column.  Accept
        'no-revert option.  Bugfix: also goto column when reverting

--- server.el.~1.78.~   2001-12-18 17:42:38.000000000 +0100
+++ server.el   2002-08-10 17:32:10.000000000 +0200
@@ -251,40 +251,43 @@ Prefix arg means just kill any existing 
                       (substring request (match-beginning 0) (1- (match-end 
                      (pos 0))
                  (setq request (substring request (match-end 0)))
-                 (if (string-match "\\`-nowait" arg)
-                     (setq nowait t)
-                   (cond
-                       ;; ARG is a line number option.
-                    ((string-match "\\`\\+[0-9]+\\'" arg)
+                 (cond
+                  ((string-match "\\`-nowait" arg)
+                   (setq nowait t))
+                  ;; ARG is a line number option.
+                  ((string-match "\\`\\+[0-9]+\\'" arg)
                      (setq lineno (string-to-int (substring arg 1))))
-                    ;; ARG is line number:column option. 
-                    ((string-match "\\`+\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" arg)
-                     (setq lineno (string-to-int (match-string 1 arg))
-                           columnno (string-to-int (match-string 2 arg))))
-                    (t
-                     ;; ARG is a file name.
-                     ;; Collapse multiple slashes to single slashes.
-                     (setq arg (command-line-normalize-file-name arg))
-                     ;; Undo the quoting that emacsclient does
-                     ;; for certain special characters.
-                     (while (string-match "&." arg pos)
-                       (setq pos (1+ (match-beginning 0)))
-                       (let ((nextchar (aref arg pos)))
-                         (cond ((= nextchar ?&)
-                                (setq arg (replace-match "&" t t arg)))
-                               ((= nextchar ?-)
-                                (setq arg (replace-match "-" t t arg)))
-                               (t
-                                (setq arg (replace-match " " t t arg))))))
-                     ;; Now decode the file name if necessary.
-                     (if coding-system
-                         (setq arg (decode-coding-string arg coding-system)))
-                     (setq files
-                           (cons (list arg lineno columnno)
-                                 files))
-                     (setq lineno 1)
-                     (setq columnno 0))))))
-             (run-hooks 'pre-command-hook)
+                  ;; ARG is line number:column option. 
+                  ((string-match "\\`+\\([0-9]+\\):\\([0-9]+\\)\\'" arg)
+                   (setq lineno (string-to-int (match-string 1 arg))
+                         columnno (string-to-int (match-string 2 arg))))
+                  (t
+                   ;; ARG is a file name.
+                   ;; Collapse multiple slashes to single slashes.
+                   (setq arg (command-line-normalize-file-name arg))
+                   ;; Undo the quoting that emacsclient does
+                   ;; for certain special characters.
+                   (while (string-match "&." arg pos)
+                     (setq pos (1+ (match-beginning 0)))
+                     (let ((nextchar (aref arg pos)))
+                       (cond ((= nextchar ?&)
+                              (setq arg (replace-match "&" t t arg)))
+                             ((= nextchar ?-)
+                              (setq arg (replace-match "-" t t arg)))
+                             (t
+                              (setq arg (replace-match " " t t arg))))))
+                   ;; Now decode the file name if necessary.
+                   (if coding-system
+                       (setq arg (decode-coding-string arg coding-system)))
+                   (setq files
+                         ;; When invoking emacsclient with --no-wait, we are
+                         ;; typically `moving around' and editing the same 
+                         ;; and do not want to revert.  Should make --no-revert
+                         ;; option for emacsclient?
+                         (cons (list arg lineno columnno (if nowait 'no-revert 
+                               files))
+                   (setq lineno 1)
+                   (setq columnno 0)))))
              (server-visit-files files client nowait)
              (run-hooks 'post-command-hook)
              ;; CLIENT is now a list (CLIENTNUM BUFFERS...)
@@ -309,6 +312,13 @@ Prefix arg means just kill any existing 
 FILES is an alist whose elements are (FILENAME LINENUMBER COLUMNNUMBER).
 NOWAIT non-nil means this client is not waiting for the results,
 so don't mark these buffers specially, just visit them normally."
+  (defun goto-line-column (file-line-col)
+    (goto-line (nth 1 file-line-col))
+    (let ((column-number (nth 2 file-line-col)))
+      (if (> column-number 0)
+         (move-to-column (1- column-number)))))
   ;; Bind last-nonmenu-event to force use of keyboard, not mouse, for queries.
   (let (client-record (last-nonmenu-event t) (obuf (current-buffer)))
     ;; Restore the current buffer afterward, but not using save-excursion,
@@ -322,7 +332,8 @@ so don't mark these buffers specially, j
          (let* ((filen (car (car files)))
                 (obuf (get-file-buffer filen)))
            (push filen file-name-history)
-           (if (and obuf (set-buffer obuf))
+           (if (and obuf (set-buffer obuf)
+                    (not (memq 'no-revert (car files))))
                  (cond ((file-exists-p filen)
                         (if (or (not (verify-visited-file-modtime obuf))
@@ -335,12 +346,9 @@ so don't mark these buffers specially, j
                                      ", write buffer to file? "))
                             (write-file filen))))
                  (setq server-existing-buffer t)
-                 (goto-line (nth 1 (car files))))
+                 (goto-line-column (car files)))
              (set-buffer (find-file-noselect filen))
-             (goto-line (nth 1 (car files)))
-             (let ((column-number (nth 2 (car files))))
-               (when (> column-number 0)
-                 (move-to-column (1- column-number))))
+             (goto-line-column (car files))
              (run-hooks 'server-visit-hook)))
          (if (not nowait)
              (setq server-buffer-clients

Jan Nieuwenhuizen <address@hidden> | GNU LilyPond - The music typesetter
http://www.xs4all.nl/~jantien       | http://www.lilypond.org

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