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Re: reconsider defaults custom group

From: Kim F. Storm
Subject: Re: reconsider defaults custom group
Date: 04 Jan 2003 01:18:54 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

Patrick Anderson <address@hidden> writes:

> > I think this is useful, but I agree that `reconsider-defaults'' is a
> > strange and unnatural name for it.  `basic'' or `popular-options'' would
> > be much better.
> > 
> > Do you think some of these options should have different defaults? Would
> > you like to propose 4 options to change the defauls of?
> > (If you told me a long list, I could not think about them all.)

Below is the list copied from the URL above.  It has this intro:

        emacs can be difficult to use out of the box 
        this is mostly for those climbing the steep curve of this religion 
        please sort by severity 

I personally agree that several of the listed options could have
better defaults for the novice (and expert) emacs user.

* confirm-kill-emacs
* global-font-lock-mode
* iswitchb-mode
* ido-mode  (new in 21.4)
* cua-mode  (new in 21.4)
* auto-compression-mode
* suggest-key-bindings
* transient-mark-mode
* dired-recursive-copies
* dired-recursive-deletes

* blink-cursor
* x-stretch-cursor
* show-paren-mode
* show-trailing-whitespace
* desktop-enable
* display-time-mode

* display-time-day-and-date
* display-time-format
* display-time-mode
* hs-isearch-open

* view-diary-entries-initially

* apropos-do-all
* winner-mode

* tab-stop-list
* tab-width

* enable-recursive-minibuffers

* woman-use-own-frame

* blink-cursor-delay
* blink-cursor-interval
* blink-matching-paren-dont-ignore-comments

* eol-mnemonic-mac
* eol-mnemonic-undecided
* eol-mnemonic-unix

* archive-zip-use-pkzip
* auto-save-list-file-prefix

* user-full-name
* user-mail-address

* global-hl-line-mode

* bookmark-bmenu-toggle-filenames
* bookmark-sort-flag
* browse-url-browser-function

* c-default-style
* c-echo-syntactic-information-p
* c-mode-common-hook
* case-fold-search
* column-number-mode
* completion-ignored-extensions

* delete-selection-mode

* diary-file
* diary-hook
* dired-at-point-require-prefix

* ediff-diff-options
* ediff-window-setup-function

* emacs-lisp-mode-hook
* emacs-wiki-downcase-title-words
* emacs-wiki-highlight-markup

* eshell-buffer-maximum-lines
* eshell-cmpl-man-function
* eshell-directory-name
* eshell-force-execution
* eshell-group-file
* eshell-hosts-file
* eshell-interpreter-alist
* eshell-ls-archive-regexp
* eshell-ls-dired-initial-args
* eshell-ls-highlight-alist
* eshell-ls-initial-args
* eshell-ls-product-regexp
* eshell-ls-use-in-dired
* eshell-passwd-file
* eshell-send-direct-to-subprocesses

* flyspell-default-dictionary

* font-lock-maximum-size

* generic-define-unix-modes

* gnus-asynchronous
* gnus-default-directory
* gnus-group-list-inactive-groups
* gnus-home-directory
* gnus-large-newsgroup
* gnus-message-archive-group
* gnus-use-cache
* gnus-use-dribble-file

* gud-cdb-directories
* gud-chdir-before-run

* hi-lock-mode

* highlight-changes-active-string
* highlight-changes-global-changes-existing-buffers
* highlight-changes-passive-string

* hippie-expand-try-functions-list ;(define-key global-map [(meta ?/)] 

* htmlize-html-major-mode

* isearch-lazy-highlight-cleanup
* isearch-lazy-highlight-initial-delay
* isearch-lazy-highlight-max-at-a-time

* ls-lisp-emulation
* ls-lisp-ignore-case
* ls-lisp-verbosity

* mail-host-address
* mail-source-crash-box
* mail-source-directory
* mail-user-agent

* make-backup-files
* mark-diary-entries-in-calendar
* mark-holidays-in-calendar

* max-specpdl-size

* message-directory
* message-log-max
* message-send-mail-function

* mmm-global-mode
* mmm-major-mode-preferences
* mmm-mode-ext-classes-alist

* mode-line-format

* mouse-wheel-mode

* next-line-add-newlines
* next-screen-context-lines
* nnmail-message-id-cache-file

* parens-require-spaces

* read-quoted-char-radix

* resize-minibuffer-mode

* scroll-bar-mode
* scroll-preserve-screen-position

* send-mail-function

* shell-file-name

* smtpmail-auth-credentials
* smtpmail-debug-info
* smtpmail-default-smtp-server
* smtpmail-local-domain
* smtpmail-queue-dir
* smtpmail-smtp-server

* tags-revert-without-query
* tramp-debug-buffer

* uniquify-buffer-name-style

* url-cache-directory
* url-cookie-file
* url-global-history-file
* url-global-history-save-interval
* url-keep-history

* vc-default-back-end

* w3m-bookmark-file
* w3m-default-save-directory
* w3m-fill-column
* w3m-key-binding
* w3m-local-directory-view-method
* w3m-search-default-engine
* w3m-use-header-line

* ange-ftp-dumb-unix-host-regexp
* ange-ftp-generate-anonymous-password
* appt-message-warning-time

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