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Re: EWMH package, please review.

From: Jan D.
Subject: Re: EWMH package, please review.
Date: Mon, 13 Oct 2003 06:30:54 +0200

don't know if this is useful enough to be included in Emacs, so I'd
like your views on that also.

I don't know.  Are (all of) those hints something an ordinary user
would typically toggle interactively?

Shaded, fullscreen and maximize horizontal and vertical are.  Above and
below are probably a bit obscure.

;;; Code:

(defun x-ewmh-send (arg hint frame &optional hint2)
  "Send a client message to change an extended window manager hint.

FRAME may be nil to use the selected frame.
If ARG is poitive, add HINT.
If ARG is negative, remove HINT.
Otherwise toggle HINT."

  (let* ((eff-arg (if (null arg) 0 (prefix-numeric-value arg)))

This is simpler:

  (setq arg (if (null arg) 0 (prefix-numeric-value arg)))
  (let ((action ...use ARG instead of EFF-ARG...))

I was told to avoid setq when I learned lisp :-).

IMO, it is somewhat unusual to let a generic, non-interactive function
assume that it is always invoked by an interactive function.  I would
normally let the callers do that (possibly using an auxiliary
function), but in your case I would just change the DOC string to say
that ARG is supposed to be a raw prefix argument.

I'd just wanted to minimize the duplication.  I understand the problem
though, I'll change the doc.

         (action (cond ((= eff-arg 0) 2)        ;; Toggle
                       ((> eff-arg 0) 1)     ;; Add
                       (t 0))))                 ;; Remove
    (x-send-client-message nil 0 frame "_NET_WM_STATE" 32
                           (list action
                                 (if hint2 hint2 0)

simpler:  (or hint2 0)



(defun x-ewmh-fullscreen (&optional arg frame)
"Toggle FRAME fullscreen hint using extended window manager hints (EWMH).

Since this is an interactive function, you should describe the normal
interactive function in the "one-liner", which in your case would mean
not referring to the FRAME argument.

If FRAME is not given, the selected frame is used.
If ARG is poitive, add fullscreen hint.
If ARG is negative, remove fullscreen hint.

Since this is an interactive function, you would normally say that
using a positive command prefix would add the hint and a negative
prefix would remove the hint, while no prefix toggles the hint.

But it might be clearer if you say that a C-u prefix (write
\\[universal-argument] in the doc string) adds the hint, while
a M-- prefix (write \\[negative-argument] removes the hint.

I'll change, thanks.  I'd probably should say more what the functions
do in the one liner.  I.e "Make a frame fullscreen" or some such.

Otherwise toggle fullscreen hint.

I suggest you write something like this in the doc string:

  "Toggle EWMH fullscreen hint of selected frame.

With \\[universal-argument] prefix arg, add fullscreen hint, and
with \\[negative-argument] prefix arg, remove fullscreen hint.

When called from a Lisp program, optional second arg FRAME specifies the
frame on which to apply the fullscreen hint."

Good suggestion.

If fullscreen doesn't work with your window manager, try

NOTE: If the window manager does not support EWMH, this does nothing."
  (interactive "P")
  (x-ewmh-send arg "_NET_WM_STATE_FULLSCREEN" frame))

(defun x-ewmh-maximized_vert (&optional arg frame)

x-ewmh-maximized-vertical (don't use underscore and write name in full)

(defun x-ewmh-maximized_horz (&optional arg frame)

x-ewmh-maximized-horizontal  (ditto)

(defun x-ewmh-horz-and-vert (&optional arg frame)

x-ewmh-horizontal-and-vertical  (ditto)

Maybe in general, the functions should be named


to emphasize that their default operation is to toggle the hint.

That is better.

Thanks for the comments.

        Jan D.

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