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Re: appt: allowing hh.mm for time

From: D Goel
Subject: Re: appt: allowing hh.mm for time
Date: Fri, 05 Dec 2003 16:18:45 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) Emacs/21.2 (gnu/linux)

Glenn Morris <address@hidden> writes:

> D Goel wrote:

> change consistent for the calendar/diary you will have to deal with
> all of those places. The ":" format may very well be assumed in other
> files in lisp/calendar AFAIK. You may find making this change is more
> trouble than it's worth to you. :(


Thanks for pointing this out.  I just looked at calendar.el and
diary.el, and indeed, there are some places there that time entries
are parsed, and changes should be made there too. I think there's onle
one or two places in each file that we need to replace : by
"\\(?::\\|\\.\\)", so I am still interested in making the change.

(I am no longer thinking of the customizable
"appt-time-separator". )... we could just replace . by \\|( . \\| :
\\) whenver time is parsed.

Please let me know what you think of it. If you think it is worth
making the change, I will do it, else not.

I do think it is worth it since I (others?) miss appointments (I did
try to get myself used to aa:bb, but still accidentally fill out time
as aa.bb) and I still find hand-editing diary the easiest way to do

If you don't think it is worth it, I guess I will write a private
function that searches the diary for timestrings a.bb and prompts
replacing them, and add that function to my file-save-hook or such.

DG                                 http://gnufans.net/~deego/

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