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Re: Refactoring xml.el namespace handling

From: Mark A. Hershberger
Subject: Re: Refactoring xml.el namespace handling
Date: Fri, 05 Mar 2004 13:03:09 -0600
User-agent: Gnus/5.110002 (No Gnus v0.2) Emacs/22.0.0 (gnu/linux)

> Thank you.  Here is a counter patch.  The main difference is that it uses
> 'http://foo/bar rather than :http://foo/bar so as to avoid an unnecessary
> (concat ":" foo) and also so that (symbol-name foo) immediately returns
> a usable URL.

There needs to be a way of differentiating between the (unlikely)
namespace uri "nil" and "" (that is, no namespace), which is why I believe we
need to stick with (concat ":" foo).

Also, since I believe we need a prefix, using ':' means less work for
the programmer since :symbols are automatically interned.  (FWIW, it
was James Clark who gave me this idea of using ':' as the prefix.)

I confess that I'm not very moved by the argument of a usable URL
since namespace URIs needn't be usable URLs.  My understanding is
that they are essentially opaque IDs.

> It also cleans up a few elisp things (like replace mapcar->mapc->dolist,
> and (append (list x) y) -> (cons x y), ...).

Good.  Thanks.

> Things left:
> - it seems that the new code returns either a TAG (a symbol) or (NS . TAG)
>   where TAG is a string rather than a symbol.  Do I understand this right?
>   Is that done on purpose?  It looks like a bad idea.

It was done on purpose, but it is a bad idea. <foo xmlns=""/> should
parse into 

    ((: . foo) (((:http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ . "") ""))).

Likewise, <foo xmlns="nil" a="b"/> should parse into

    ((:nil . foo) (((:http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/ "") "nil")
                   ((: . "a") "b")))

> - in xml-parse-tag, you do
>    (let (.. (children (list A B)) ...)
>      ... (car children) ... (setcdr children ...) ...
>   it would be better to do something slightly different so you don't
>   need to extract the car of what you just built and you don't need
>   to setcdr.

Excellent.  The patch itself was there to clean up some bad coding.
Fixing even more is better.

> ChangeLog text should use the present tense: it makes it easier to
> write/read.

Thanks.  I'll remember it for future reference.

I'm restricting this patch to namespace stuff.  I'll put the DTD
parsing updates in another patch where I hope to add an understanding
of <!ENTITYs


2004-03-03  Mark A. Hershberger  <address@hidden>

        * xml.el (xml-maybe-do-ns): New function to handle namespace
        parsing of both attribute and element names.
        (xml-ns-parse-ns-attrs, xml-ns-expand-el, xml-ns-expand-attr,
        xml-intern-attrlist): Remove in favor of xml-maybe-do-ns.
        (xml-parse-tag): Update assumed namespaces.  Clean up namespace
        (xml-parse-attlist): Make it do its own namespace parsing.

--- xml.el      2 Mar 2004 21:45:06 -0000       1.30
+++ xml.el      5 Mar 2004 18:55:21 -0000
@@ -52,15 +52,15 @@
-;; The functions `xml-parse-file' and `xml-parse-tag' return a list with
-;; the following format:
+;; The functions `xml-parse-file', `xml-parse-region' and
+;; `xml-parse-tag' return a list with the following format:
 ;;    xml-list   ::= (node node ...)
-;;    node       ::= (tag_name attribute-list . child_node_list)
+;;    node       ::= (qname attribute-list . child_node_list)
 ;;    child_node_list ::= child_node child_node ...
 ;;    child_node ::= node | string
-;;    tag_name   ::= string
-;;    attribute_list ::= (("attribute" . "value") ("attribute" . "value") ...)
+;;    qname      ::= (:namespace-uri . "name") | "name"
+;;    attribute_list ::= ((qname . "value") (qname . "value") ...)
 ;;                       | nil
 ;;    string     ::= "..."
@@ -68,6 +68,11 @@
 ;; Whitespace is preserved.  Fixme: There should be a tree-walker that
 ;; can remove it.
+;; TODO:
+;;  * xml:base, xml:space support
+;;  * more complete DOCTYPE parsing
+;;  * pi support
 ;;; Code:
 ;; Note that {buffer-substring,match-string}-no-properties were
@@ -230,72 +335,27 @@
              (cons dtd (nreverse xml))
            (nreverse xml)))))))
-(defun xml-ns-parse-ns-attrs (attr-list &optional xml-ns)
-  "Parse the namespace attributes and return a list of cons in the form:
-\(namespace . prefix)"
-  (mapcar
-   (lambda (attr)
-     (let* ((splitup (split-string (car attr) ":"))
-           (prefix (nth 0 splitup))
-           (lname (nth 1 splitup)))
-       (when (string= "xmlns" prefix)
-        (push (cons (if lname
-                        lname
-                      "")
-                    (cdr attr))
-              xml-ns)))) attr-list)
-  xml-ns)
-;; expand element names
-(defun xml-ns-expand-el (el xml-ns)
-  "Expand the XML elements from \"prefix:local-name\" to a cons in the form
-\"(namespace . local-name)\"."
-  (let* ((splitup (split-string el ":"))
-        (lname (or (nth 1 splitup)
-                   (nth 0 splitup)))
-        (prefix (if (nth 1 splitup)
-                    (nth 0 splitup)
-                  (if (string= lname "xmlns")
-                      "xmlns"
-                    "")))
-        (ns (cdr (assoc-string prefix xml-ns))))
-    (if (string= "" ns)
-       lname
-      (cons (intern (concat ":" ns))
-           lname))))
-;; expand attribute names
-(defun xml-ns-expand-attr (attr-list xml-ns)
-  "Expand the attribute list for a particular element from the form
-\"prefix:local-name\" to the form \"{namespace}:local-name\"."
-  (mapcar
-   (lambda (attr)
-     (let* ((splitup (split-string (car attr) ":"))
-           (lname (or (nth 1 splitup)
-                      (nth 0 splitup)))
-           (prefix (if (nth 1 splitup)
-                       (nth 0 splitup)
-                     (if (string= (car attr) "xmlns")
-                         "xmlns"
-                       "")))
-           (ns (cdr (assoc-string prefix xml-ns))))
-       (setcar attr
-              (if (string= "" ns)
-                  lname
-                (cons (intern (concat ":" ns))
-                      lname)))))
-   attr-list)
-  attr-list)
-(defun xml-intern-attrlist (attr-list)
-  "Convert attribute names to symbols for backward compatibility."
-  (mapcar (lambda (attr)
-           (setcar attr (intern (car attr))))
-         attr-list)
-  attr-list)
+(defun xml-maybe-do-ns (name default xml-ns)
+  "Perform any namespace expansion.  NAME is the name to perform the expansion 
+DEFAULT is the default namespace.  XML-NS is a cons of namespace
+names to uris.  When namespace-aware parsing is off, then XML-NS
+is nil.
+During namespace-aware parsing, any name without a namespace is
+put into the namespace identified by DEFAULT.  nil is used to
+specify that the name shouldn't be given a namespace."
+  (if (consp xml-ns)
+      (let* ((nsp (string-match ":" name))
+            (lname (if nsp (substring name (match-end 0)) name))
+            (prefix (if nsp (substring name 0 (match-beginning 0)) default))
+            (special (and (string-equal lname "xmlns") (not prefix)))
+             ;; Setting default to nil will insure that there is not
+             ;; matching cons in xml-ns.  In which case we
+            (ns (or (cdr (assoc (if special "xmlns" prefix)
+                                 xml-ns))
+                     :)))
+        (cons ns (if special "" lname)))
+    (intern name)))
 (defun xml-parse-tag (&optional parse-dtd parse-ns)
   "Parse the tag at point.
@@ -310,10 +370,12 @@
                  (if parse-ns
-                      ;; Default no namespace
-                      (cons "" "")
+                       ;; Default for empty prefix is no namespace
+                       (cons ""      :)
+                      ;; "xml" namespace
+                      (cons "xml"   :http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace)
                       ;; We need to seed the xmlns namespace
-                      (cons "xmlns" "http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/";))))))
+                      (cons "xmlns" :http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/))))))
      ;; Processing instructions (like the <?xml version="1.0"?> tag at the
      ;; beginning of a document).
@@ -350,19 +412,23 @@
       ;; Parse this node
       (let* ((node-name (match-string 1))
-            (attr-list (xml-parse-attlist))
-            (children (if  (consp xml-ns) ;; take care of namespace parsing
-                           (progn
-                             (setq xml-ns (xml-ns-parse-ns-attrs
-                                           attr-list xml-ns))
-                             (list (xml-ns-expand-attr
-                                    attr-list xml-ns)
-                                   (xml-ns-expand-el
-                                    node-name xml-ns)))
-                           (list (xml-intern-attrlist attr-list)
-                                 (intern node-name))))
-            pos)
+             ;; Parse the attribute list.
+             (attrs (xml-parse-attlist xml-ns))
+             children pos)
+        ;; add the xmlns:* attrs to our cache
+        (when (consp xml-ns)
+         (dolist (attr attrs)
+           (when (and (consp (car attr))
+                      (eq :http://www.w3.org/2000/xmlns/
+                          (caar attr)))
+             (push (cons (cdar attr) (intern (concat ":" (cdr attr))))
+                   xml-ns))))
+        ;; expand element names
+        (setq node-name (list (xml-maybe-do-ns node-name "" xml-ns)))
+        (setq children (list attrs node-name))
        ;; is this an empty element ?
        (if (looking-at "/>")
@@ -416,7 +482,7 @@
      (t        ;; This is not a tag.
       (error "XML: Invalid character")))))
-(defun xml-parse-attlist ()
+(defun xml-parse-attlist (&optional xml-ns)
   "Return the attribute-list after point.  Leave point at the
 first non-blank character after the tag."
   (let ((attlist ())
@@ -424,8 +490,9 @@
     (skip-syntax-forward " ")
     (while (looking-at (eval-when-compile
                         (concat "\\(" xml-name-regexp "\\)\\s-*=\\s-*")))
-      (setq name (match-string 1))
-      (goto-char (match-end 0))
+      (setq end-pos (match-end 0))
+      (setq name (xml-maybe-do-ns (match-string 1) nil xml-ns))
+      (goto-char end-pos)
       ;; See also: http://www.w3.org/TR/2000/REC-xml-20001006#AVNormalize

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is clear to me, and I'm sure it is clear to you also.
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